# manage a strongswan class strongswan( $manage_shorewall = false, $shorewall_source = 'net', $use_monkeysphere = false, $monkeysphere_publish_key = false, $ipsec_nat = false, $default_left_ip_address = $::ipaddress, $default_left_subnet = reject(split($::strongswan_ips,','),$::ipaddress), $additional_options = '', $auto_remote_host = false ) { if $use_monkeysphere != false { class { 'monkeysphere': publish_key => $monkeysphere_publish_key } -> class { 'certtool': } $require_monkeysphere = $use_monkeysphere ? { true => Class['monkeysphere'], false => '' } } case $::operatingsystem { centos: { case $::lsbmajdistrelease { '5': { $config_dir = '/etc/ipsec.d' $cert_dir = '/etc/ipsec.d' $binary = '/usr/sbin/ipsec' class { 'strongswan::centos::five': require => $require_monkeysphere } } default: { $config_dir = '/etc/strongswan' $cert_dir = '/etc/strongswan/ipsec.d' $binary = '/usr/sbin/strongswan' class { 'strongswan::centos::six': require => $require_monkeysphere } } } } default: { $config_dir = '/etc/ipsec.d' $cert_dir = '/etc/ipsec.d' $binary = '/usr/sbin/ipsec' class { 'strongswan::base': require => $require_monkeysphere } } } if $auto_remote_host and ($::strongswan_cert != 'false') and ($::strongswan_cert != '') { # export myself @@strongswan::remote_host { $::fqdn: right_cert_content => $::strongswan_cert, right_ip_address => $strongswan::default_left_ip_address, right_subnet => $strongswan::default_left_subnet, tag => 'strongswan_auto' } # collect all other auto exported # myself is excluded in the template Strongswan::Remote_Host<<| tag == 'strongswan_auto' |>> } if $manage_shorewall { shorewall::rules::ipsec { $strongswan::shorewall_source: } if $ipsec_nat { include shorewall::rules::ipsec_nat } } }