#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Parser::Functions.function(:get_module_path) do Internals = PuppetlabsSpec::PuppetInternals class StubModule attr_reader :path def initialize(path) @path = path end end def scope(environment = "production") Internals.scope(:compiler => Internals.compiler(:node => Internals.node(:environment => environment))) end it 'should only allow one argument' do expect { scope.function_get_module_path([]) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Wrong number of arguments, expects one/) expect { scope.function_get_module_path(['1','2','3']) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Wrong number of arguments, expects one/) end it 'should raise an exception when the module cannot be found' do expect { scope.function_get_module_path(['foo']) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Could not find module/) end describe 'when locating a module' do let(:modulepath) { "/tmp/does_not_exist" } let(:path_of_module_foo) { StubModule.new("/tmp/does_not_exist/foo") } before(:each) { Puppet[:modulepath] = modulepath } it 'should be able to find module paths from the modulepath setting' do Puppet::Module.expects(:find).with('foo', 'production').returns(path_of_module_foo) scope.function_get_module_path(['foo']).should == path_of_module_foo.path end it 'should be able to find module paths when the modulepath is a list' do Puppet[:modulepath] = modulepath + ":/tmp" Puppet::Module.expects(:find).with('foo', 'production').returns(path_of_module_foo) scope.function_get_module_path(['foo']).should == path_of_module_foo.path end it 'should respect the environment' do pending("Disabled on Puppet 2.6.x") if Puppet.version =~ /^2\.6\b/ Puppet.settings[:environment] = 'danstestenv' Puppet::Module.expects(:find).with('foo', 'danstestenv').returns(path_of_module_foo) scope('danstestenv').function_get_module_path(['foo']).should == path_of_module_foo.path end end end