#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'net/http' require 'thread' require 'fileutils' describe "the get_certificate function" do include PuppetSpec::Files before :all do @sslcert = File.read("spec/master_config/ssl/ca/signed/bob@mydomain.com.pem") Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.loadall end before :each do @scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new end it "should exist" do Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("get_certificate").should == "function_get_certificate" end it "should raise a ParseError if there is less than 1 argument" do lambda { @scope.function_get_certificate([]) }.should(raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)) end it "should raise a ParseError if the argument is empty" do lambda { @scope.function_get_certificate([""]) }.should(raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)) end it "should raise a ParseError if the argument contains strange characters" do lambda { @scope.function_get_certificate(["%^&"]) }.should(raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)) end it "should return a valid certificate if CA is local" do Puppet[:ca] = true Puppet[:signeddir] = "spec/master_config/ssl/ca/signed/" result = @scope.function_get_certificate(["bob@mydomain.com"]) result.should(eq(@sslcert)) end it "should throw an error if CN is missing and CA is local" do Puppet[:ca] = true Puppet[:signeddir] = "spec/master_config/ssl/ca/signed/" result = @scope.function_get_certificate(["missing@mydomain.com"]) result.should(eq(:undef)) end it "should return a valid certificate if CA is remote" do Puppet[:ca] = false Puppet[:ssldir] = "spec/master_config/ssl" Puppet[:certname] = "puppetmaster" # Mock return require 'ostruct' http = OpenStruct.new http.body = @sslcert http.code = "200" # Intercept http start call Net::HTTP.any_instance.expects(:start).returns(http) result = @scope.function_get_certificate(["bob@mydomain.com"]) result.should(eq(@sslcert)) end it "should throw an error if CN doesn't exist and CA is remote (stubbed)" do Puppet[:ca] = false Puppet[:ssldir] = "spec/master_config/ssl" Puppet[:certname] = "puppetmaster" # Mock return require 'ostruct' http = OpenStruct.new http.code = "404" # Intercept http start call Net::HTTP.any_instance.expects(:start).returns(http) result = @scope.function_get_certificate(["missing@mydomain.com"]) result.should(eq(:undef)) end describe "real puppetmaster" do before :all do # Prepare fixture for puppetmaster @master_tmp = tmpdir("get_certificate") + "/master_config" FileUtils.cp_r("spec/master_config",@master_tmp) # Fork and start a puppetmaster master_config = [ "--config=/dev/null", "--logdest=#{@master_tmp}/var/log/logfile", "--confdir=#{@master_tmp}", "--no-daemonize", "--masterport=9354", "--bindaddress=", "--vardir=#{@master_tmp}/var", "--ssldir=#{@master_tmp}/ssl", "--certname=puppetmaster", "--user=#{ENV["USER"]}", # "--debug", ] @master = Process.fork do cmd = Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new("master", master_config) Puppet::Plugins.on_application_intialization(:application_object => cmd) app = Puppet::Application.find("master").new(cmd) app.run end # Wait 1 second for puppetmatser setup # TODO: must be a better wait to check if master # is listening first before proceeding. sleep 1 Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.loadall end before :each do # Standard puppet setup for each test Puppet[:ca] = false Puppet[:ssldir] = "#{@master_tmp}/ssl" Puppet[:certname] = "puppetmaster" Puppet[:ca_port] = "9354" Puppet[:ca_server] = "" end after :all do # Kill and reap puppetmaster Process.kill("TERM", @master) Process.wait(@master) end it "should return a valid certificate if CA is remote" do result = @scope.function_get_certificate(["bob@mydomain.com"]) result.should(eq(@sslcert)) end it "should throw an error if CN doesn't exist and CA is remote" do result = @scope.function_get_certificate(["missing@mydomain.com"]) result.should(eq(:undef)) end it "should throw a connection refused message if CA is not running on port" do Puppet[:ca_port] = "65111" lambda { @scope.function_get_certificate(["missing@mydomain.com"]) }.should(raise_error(Puppet::Error)) end it "should raise an exception if connection to CA times out" do Puppet[:ca_server] = "" lambda { @scope.function_get_certificate(["missing@mydomain.com", { :conn_timeout => 1}]) }.should(raise_error(Puppet::Error)) end end end