#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' describe "the to_bytes function" do let(:scope) { PuppetlabsSpec::PuppetInternals.scope } it "should exist" do expect(Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("to_bytes")).to eq("function_to_bytes") end it "should raise a ParseError if there is less than 1 arguments" do expect { scope.function_to_bytes([]) }.to( raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)) end it "should convert kB to B" do result = scope.function_to_bytes(["4 kB"]) expect(result).to(eq(4096)) end it "should work without B in unit" do result = scope.function_to_bytes(["4 k"]) expect(result).to(eq(4096)) end it "should work without a space before unit" do result = scope.function_to_bytes(["4k"]) expect(result).to(eq(4096)) end it "should work without a unit" do result = scope.function_to_bytes(["5678"]) expect(result).to(eq(5678)) end it "should convert fractions" do result = scope.function_to_bytes(["1.5 kB"]) expect(result).to(eq(1536)) end it "should convert scientific notation" do result = scope.function_to_bytes(["1.5e2 B"]) expect(result).to(eq(150)) end it "should do nothing with a positive number" do result = scope.function_to_bytes([5678]) expect(result).to(eq(5678)) end it "should should raise a ParseError if input isn't a number" do expect { scope.function_to_bytes(["foo"]) }.to( raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)) end it "should should raise a ParseError if prefix is unknown" do expect { scope.function_to_bytes(["5 uB"]) }.to( raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)) end end