require 'spec_helper' describe 'ensure_resources' do it { is_expected.not_to eq(nil) } it { run.with_params().and_raise_error(ArgumentError, /Must specify a type/) } it { run.with_params('type').and_raise_error(ArgumentError, /Must specify a title/) } describe 'given a title hash of multiple resources' do before {['user', {'dan' => { 'gid' => 'mygroup', 'uid' => '600' }, 'alex' => { 'gid' => 'mygroup', 'uid' => '700'}}, {'ensure' => 'present'}]) } # this lambda is required due to strangeness within rspec-puppet's expectation handling it { expect(lambda { catalogue }).to contain_user('dan').with_ensure('present') } it { expect(lambda { catalogue }).to contain_user('alex').with_ensure('present') } it { expect(lambda { catalogue }).to contain_user('dan').with({ 'gid' => 'mygroup', 'uid' => '600'}) } it { expect(lambda { catalogue }).to contain_user('alex').with({ 'gid' => 'mygroup', 'uid' => '700'}) } end describe 'given a title hash of a single resource' do before {['user', {'dan' => { 'gid' => 'mygroup', 'uid' => '600' }}, {'ensure' => 'present'}]) } # this lambda is required due to strangeness within rspec-puppet's expectation handling it { expect(lambda { catalogue }).to contain_user('dan').with_ensure('present') } it { expect(lambda { catalogue }).to contain_user('dan').with({ 'gid' => 'mygroup', 'uid' => '600'}) } end end