#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper_acceptance' require 'shellwords' describe 'deprecation function' do before :each do FileUtils.rm_rf '/tmp/deprecation' end context 'with --strict=error', if: get_puppet_version =~ /^4/ do before :all do pp = <<-EOS deprecation('key', 'message') file { '/tmp/deprecation': ensure => present } EOS @result = on(default, puppet('apply', '--strict=error', '-e', Shellwords.shellescape(pp)), acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256)) end it "should return an error" do expect(@result.exit_code).to eq(1) end it "should show the error message" do expect(@result.stderr).to match(/deprecation. key. message/) end describe file('/tmp/deprecation') do it { is_expected.not_to exist } end end context 'with --strict=warning', if: get_puppet_version =~ /^4/ do before :all do pp = <<-EOS deprecation('key', 'message') file { '/tmp/deprecation': ensure => present } EOS @result = on(default, puppet('apply', '--strict=warning', '-e', Shellwords.shellescape(pp)), acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256)) end it "should not return an error" do expect(@result.exit_code).to eq(0) end it "should show the error message" do expect(@result.stderr).to match(/Warning: message/) end describe file('/tmp/deprecation') do it { is_expected.to exist } end end context 'with --strict=off', if: get_puppet_version =~ /^4/ do before :all do pp = <<-EOS deprecation('key', 'message') file { '/tmp/deprecation': ensure => present } EOS @result = on(default, puppet('apply', '--strict=off', '-e', Shellwords.shellescape(pp)), acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256)) end it "should not return an error" do expect(@result.exit_code).to eq(0) end it "should not show the error message" do expect(@result.stderr).not_to match(/Warning: message/) end describe file('/tmp/deprecation') do it { is_expected.to exist } end end end