module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:validate_string, :doc => <<-'ENDHEREDOC') do |args| Validate all passed values are a string data structure value does not pass the check. Example: These values validate $my_string = "one two" validate_string($my_string) These values do NOT validate validate_string(true) validate_string([ 'some', 'array' ]) $undefined = undef validate_string($undefined) ENDHEREDOC unless args.length > 0 then raise Puppet::ParseError, ("validate_string(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be > 0)") end args.each do |arg| unless arg.is_a?(String) raise Puppet::ParseError, ("#{arg.inspect} is not a string. It looks to be a #{arg.class}") end end end end