module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:validate_re, :doc => <<-'ENDHEREDOC') do |args| Perform simple validation of a string against one or more regular expressions. The first argument of this function should be a string to test, and the second argument should be a stringified regular expression (without the // delimiters) or an array of regular expressions. If none of the regular expressions match the string passed in, compilation will abort with a parse error. If a third argument is specified, this will be the error message raised and seen by the user. The following strings will validate against the regular expressions: validate_re('one', '^one$') validate_re('one', [ '^one', '^two' ]) The following strings will fail to validate, causing compilation to abort: validate_re('one', [ '^two', '^three' ]) A helpful error message can be returned like this: validate_re($::puppetversion, '^2.7', 'The $puppetversion fact value does not match 2.7') Note: Compilation will also abort, if the first argument is not a String. Always use quotes to force stringification: validate_re("${::operatingsystemmajrelease}", '^[57]$') ENDHEREDOC if (args.length < 2) or (args.length > 3) then raise Puppet::ParseError, "validate_re(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be 2 or 3)" end raise Puppet::ParseError, "validate_re(): input needs to be a String, not a #{args[0].class}" unless args[0].is_a? String msg = args[2] || "validate_re(): #{args[0].inspect} does not match #{args[1].inspect}" # We're using a flattened array here because we can't call String#any? in # Ruby 1.9 like we can in Ruby 1.8 raise Puppet::ParseError, msg unless [args[1]].flatten.any? do |re_str| args[0] =~ Regexp.compile(re_str) end end end