module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:validate_domain_name, :doc => <<-ENDHEREDOC Validate that all values passed are syntactically correct domain names. Fail compilation if any value fails this check. The following values will pass: $my_domain_name = 'server.domain.tld' validate_domain_name($my_domain_name) validate_domain_name('domain.tld', '', $my_domain_name) The following values will fail, causing compilation to abort: validate_domain_name(1) validate_domain_name(true) validate_domain_name('invalid domain') validate_domain_name('') validate_domain_name('www.example.2com') ENDHEREDOC ) do |args| rescuable_exceptions = [ArgumentError] if args.empty? raise Puppet::ParseError, "validate_domain_name(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be > 0)" end args.each do |arg| raise Puppet::ParseError, "#{arg.inspect} is not a string." unless arg.is_a?(String) begin raise Puppet::ParseError, "#{arg.inspect} is not a syntactically correct domain name" unless function_is_domain_name([arg]) rescue *rescuable_exceptions raise Puppet::ParseError, "#{arg.inspect} is not a syntactically correct domain name" end end end end