module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:to_bytes, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS Converts the argument into bytes, for example 4 kB becomes 4096. Takes a single string value as an argument. EOS ) do |arguments| raise(Puppet::ParseError, "to_bytes(): Wrong number of arguments " + "given (#{arguments.size} for 1)") if arguments.size != 1 arg = arguments[0] return arg if arg.is_a? Numeric value,prefix = */([0-9.e+-]*)\s*([^bB]?)/.match(arg)[1,2] value = value.to_f case prefix when '' then return value.to_i when 'k' then return (value*(1<<10)).to_i when 'M' then return (value*(1<<20)).to_i when 'G' then return (value*(1<<30)).to_i when 'T' then return (value*(1<<40)).to_i when 'E' then return (value*(1<<50)).to_i else raise Puppet::ParseError, "to_bytes(): Unknown prefix #{prefix}" end end end