module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:pick, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS This function is similar to a coalesce function in SQL in that it will return the first value in a list of values that is not undefined or an empty string (two things in Puppet that will return a boolean false value). Typically, this function is used to check for a value in the Puppet Dashboard/Enterprise Console, and failover to a default value like the following: $real_jenkins_version = pick($::jenkins_version, '1.449') The value of $real_jenkins_version will first look for a top-scope variable called 'jenkins_version' (note that parameters set in the Puppet Dashboard/ Enterprise Console are brought into Puppet as top-scope variables), and, failing that, will use a default value of 1.449. EOS ) do |args| args = args.compact args.delete(:undef) args.delete(:undefined) args.delete("") if args[0].to_s.empty? then fail Puppet::ParseError, "pick(): must receive at last one non empty value" else return args[0] end end end