module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:get_certificate, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS Returns the public certificate of the given CN from the local or remote Puppet CA. Usage is: get_certificate($cn, $options) The first argument $cn is a valid CN for the certificate you wish to return. A CN is usually the hostname of a machine in Puppet. You can view all available certificates using the facility: puppet cert --list --all On the main CA or puppetmaster. The second argument $options allows the user to define a hash of options to pass to the function. The options and descriptions are: * *conn_timeout*: Adjust timeout for remote CA connectivity (in seconds). Default is 7. EOS ) do |arguments| # Make sure we have enough arguments if not (1..2).include?(arguments.size) then raise(Puppet::ParseError, "get_certificate(): Wrong number of arguments " + "given (#{arguments.size} for 1 or 2)") end # Obtain arguments and set defaults cn = arguments[0] options = arguments[1] ||= {} options[:conn_timeout] = 7 if !options.has_key?(:conn_timeout) # Validation of arguments if not (cn.is_a?(String) and cn.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9@_\-\.]+$/)) then raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'get_certificate(): CN name must be a valid string. Hashes and Arrays are not valid') end if not (1..600).include?(options[:conn_timeout]) then raise(Puppet::ParseError, "get_certificate(): The option 'conn_timeout' must be an integer between 1 and 600") end # Get and return certificate using file or rest if Puppet[:ca] == true then # Get the certificate locally if we are acting as a CA # TODO: wrap: puppet certificate --render-as s --ca-location remote find ssl_cert_path = Puppet[:signeddir] + "/" + cn + ".pem" if FileTest.exists?(ssl_cert_path) then cert =,"r") return end else # Obtain the certificate from the CA if its remote # TODO: wrap: puppet certificate --render-as s --ca-location local find require 'net/http' require 'net/https' http =[:ca_server], Puppet[:ca_port]) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE begin res = timeout(options[:conn_timeout]) do http.start {|h| h.get("/production/certificate/#{cn}", { "Accept" => "s" }) } end rescue Timeout::Error raise(Puppet::Error, "Transaction timed out when connecting to #{Puppet[:ca_server]}:#{Puppet[:ca_port]}. Check your CA is running and that your ca_server and ca_port settings are correct on the machine this function ran on.") rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise(Puppet::Error, "Connection refused when connecting to #{Puppet[:ca_server]}:#{Puppet[:ca_port]}. Check your CA is running and that your ca_server and ca_port settings are correct on the machine this function ran on.") end case res.code when "200" return res.body if res.body when "404" return :undef else raise(Puppet::Error, "Error with REST call: #{res.code}") end end :undef end end