# # enclose_ipv6.rb # module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:enclose_ipv6, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS Takes an array of ip addresses and encloses the ipv6 addresses with square brackets. EOS ) do |arguments| require 'ipaddr' rescuable_exceptions = [ ArgumentError ] if defined?(IPAddr::InvalidAddressError) rescuable_exceptions << IPAddr::InvalidAddressError end if (arguments.size != 1) then raise(Puppet::ParseError, "enclose_ipv6(): Wrong number of arguments given #{arguments.size} for 1") end unless arguments[0].is_a?(String) or arguments[0].is_a?(Array) then raise(Puppet::ParseError, "enclose_ipv6(): Wrong argument type given #{arguments[0].class} expected String or Array") end input = [arguments[0]].flatten.compact result = [] input.each do |val| unless val == '*' begin ip = IPAddr.new(val) rescue *rescuable_exceptions raise(Puppet::ParseError, "enclose_ipv6(): Wrong argument given #{val} is not an ip address.") end val = "[#{ip.to_s}]" if ip.ipv6? end result << val end return result.uniq end end