# A facter fact to determine the root home directory. # This varies on PE supported platforms and may be # reconfigured by the end user. module Facter::Util::RootHome class << self def get_root_home root_ent = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("getent passwd root") # The home directory is the sixth element in the passwd entry # If the platform doesn't have getent, root_ent will be nil and we should # return it straight away. root_ent && root_ent.split(":")[5] end end end Facter.add(:root_home) do setcode { Facter::Util::RootHome.get_root_home } end Facter.add(:root_home) do confine :kernel => :darwin setcode do str = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("dscacheutil -q user -a name root") hash = {} str.split("\n").each do |pair| key,value = pair.split(/:/) hash[key] = value end hash['dir'].strip end end Facter.add(:root_home) do confine :kernel => :aix root_home = nil setcode do str = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("lsuser -C -a home root") str && str.split("\n").each do |line| next if line =~ /^#/ root_home = line.split(/:/)[1] end root_home end end