Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Prepare a 4.2.1 release.
Release - 4.2.0
This release adds many new functions and fixes, and continues to be backwards compatible with stdlib 3.x
- New `base64()` function
- New `deep_merge()` function
- New `delete_undef_values()` function
- New `delete_values()` function
- New `difference()` function
- New `intersection()` function
- New `is_bool()` function
- New `pick_default()` function
- New `union()` function
- New `validate_ipv4_address` function
- New `validate_ipv6_address` function
- Update `ensure_packages()` to take an option hash as a second parameter.
- Update `range()` to take an optional third argument for range step
- Update `validate_slength()` to take an optional third argument for minimum length
- Update `file_line` resource to take `after` and `multiple` attributes
- Correct `is_string`, `is_domain_name`, `is_array`, `is_float`, and `is_function_available` for parsing odd types such as bools and hashes.
- Allow facts.d facts to contain `=` in the value
- Fix `root_home` fact on darwin systems
- Fix `concat()` to work with a second non-array argument
- Fix `floor()` to work with integer strings
- Fix `is_integer()` to return true if passed integer strings
- Fix `is_numeric()` to return true if passed integer strings
- Fix `merge()` to work with empty strings
- Fix `pick()` to raise the correct error type
- Fix `uriescape()` to use the default URI.escape list
- Add/update unit & acceptance tests.
Fix the stdlib functions that fail tests
Move unit tests to spec/functions
rspec-puppet matchers are defined for tests which exist in
spec/functions, but the function unit tests lived in
spec/unit/puppet/parser/functions. This moves them to the correct place
for using rspec-puppet
Adding more spec coverage
Add the missing shebangs and fix the wrong ones
complaining loudly
Update build_csv to understand contexts
Fix the validate_augeas beaker tests
Add more specs
Add beaker tests for functions.
Allow concat to take non-array second parameters
(MODULES-603) Add defaults arguments to ensure_packages()
Adjust the regular expression for facts.
Previously this was incorrectly handling facts that were of the form
foo=1+1=2 due to the ='s in the actual fact contents. Fix this and
add tests to try and prevent regressions.
(maint) Remove facter versions test
This test attempts to emulate various versions of facter, but is
still dependent on the version of facter it is running against. The
immediate symptom was that the test breaks with facter 2.0.1 because
it adds another external facts search directory.
I tried a couple ways to stub this but allowing it to pretend
to run against one set of facters, while actually running against
one real facter (which might itself be one of several versions)
eluded me.
So this patch just removes the test.
Without this patch one can not specify package resource specific
parameters. All the ensure_packages() function does it makes sure
the named packages are installed. This patch allows one to pass
default as a second argument and allow greater flexibility on
packages installations.
Use case like the following are now possible :
* ensure_packages(['r10k', 'serverspec'], {'provider' => 'gem'})
* ensure_packages(['ntp'], {'require' => 'Exec[foobar]'})
Update README.markdown
Add code block for validate_slength.
Numerous changes to update testing gems.
It turns out that in 3.x the refresh functionality doesn't actually
exist yet, so testing it makes no sense.
Add beaker framework.
This prepares the module for beaker acceptance tests.
PUP-1724 Don't modify the paramaters to deep_merge
hash example has misplaced comas