# wrapper to have some defaults. define sshd::ssh_authorized_key( $ensure = 'present', $type = 'ssh-dss', $key = 'absent', $user = '', $target = undef, $options = 'absent', $override_builtin = undef ){ if ($ensure=='present') and ($key=='absent') { fail("You have to set \$key for Sshd::Ssh_authorized_key[${name}]!") } $real_user = $user ? { false => $name, '' => $name, default => $user, } case $target { undef,'': { case $real_user { 'root': { $real_target = '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys' } default: { $real_target = "/home/${real_user}/.ssh/authorized_keys" } } } default: { $real_target = $target } } # The ssh_authorized_key built-in function (in 2.7.23 at least) # will not write an authorized_keys file for a mortal user to # a directory they don't have write permission to, puppet attempts to # create the file as the user specified with the user parameter and fails. # Since ssh will refuse to use authorized_keys files not owned by the # user, or in files/directories that allow other users to write, this # behavior is deliberate in order to prevent typical non-working # configurations. However, it also prevents the case of puppet, running # as root, writing a file owned by a mortal user to a common # authorized_keys directory such as one might specify in sshd_config with # something like # 'AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/%u' # So we provide a way to override the built-in and instead just install # via a file resource. There is no additional security risk here, it's # nothing a user can't already do by writing their own file resources, # we still depend on the filesystem permissions to keep things safe. if $override_builtin { $header = "# HEADER: This file is managed by Puppet.\n" if $options == 'absent' { info("not setting any option for ssh_authorized_key: ${name}") $content = "${header}${type} ${key}" } else { $content = "${header}${options} ${type} ${key}" } file { $real_target: ensure => $ensure, content => $content, owner => $real_user, mode => '0600', } } else { if $options == 'absent' { info("not setting any option for ssh_authorized_key: ${name}") } else { $real_options = $options } ssh_authorized_key{$name: ensure => $ensure, type => $type, key => $key, user => $real_user, target => $real_target, options => $real_options, } } }