# # ssh module # # Copyright 2008, admin(at)immerda.ch # Copyright 2008, Puzzle ITC GmbH # Marcel Härry haerry+puppet(at)puzzle.ch # Simon Josi josi+puppet(at)puzzle.ch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute # it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License version 3 as published by # the Free Software Foundation. # # Deploy authorized_keys file with the define # sshd::deploy_auth_key # # sshd-config: # # The configuration of the sshd is rather strict and # might not fit all needs. However there are a bunch # of variables, which you might consider to configure. # Checkout the following: # # sshd_allowed_users: list of usernames separated by spaces. # set this for example to "foobar root" # to ensure that only user foobar and root # might login. # Default: empty -> no restriction is set # # sshd_use_pam: if you want to use pam or not for authenticaton # Values: no or yes. # Default: no # # sshd_permit_root_login: If you want to allow root logins or not. # Valid values: yes, no, without-password, forced-commands-only # Default: without-password # # sshd_password_authentication: If you want to enable password authentication or not # Valid values: yes or no # Default: no # # sshd_challenge_response_authentication: If you want to enable ChallengeResponseAuthentication or not # When disabled, s/key passowords are disabled # Valid values: yes or no # Default: no # # sshd_x11_forwarding: If you want to enable x11 forwarding # Valid Values: yes or no # Default: no # # sshd_agent_forwarding: If you want to allow ssh-agent forwarding # Valid Values: yes or no # Default: no # # sshd_pubkey_authentication: If you want to enable public key authentication # Valid Values: yes or no # Default: yes # # sshd_rsa_authentication: If you wat to enable RSA Authentication # Valid Values: yes or no # Default: no class sshd { include sshd::client case $operatingsystem { gentoo: { include sshd::gentoo } redhat: { include sshd::redhat } centos: { include sshd::centos } openbsd: { include sshd::openbsd } debian: { include sshd::debian } ubuntu: { include sshd::ubuntu } default: { include sshd::default } } } class sshd::base { # prepare variables to use in templates $real_sshd_allowed_users = $sshd_allowed_users ? { '' => '', default => $sshd_allowed_users } $real_sshd_use_pam = $sshd_use_pam ? { '' => 'no', default => $sshd_use_pam } $real_sshd_permit_root_login = $sshd_permit_root_login ? { '' => 'without-password', default => $sshd_permit_root_login } $real_sshd_password_authentication = $sshd_password_authentication ? { '' => 'no', default => $sshd_password_authentication } $real_sshd_x11_forwarding = $sshd_x11_forwarding ? { '' => 'no', default => $sshd_x11_forwarding } $real_sshd_agent_forwarding = $sshd_agent_forwarding ? { '' => 'no', default => $sshd_agent_forwarding } $real_sshd_challenge_response_authentication = $sshd_challenge_response_authentication ? { '' => 'no', default => $sshd_challenge_response_authentication } $real_sshd_pubkey_authentication = $sshd_pubkey_authentication ? { '' => 'no', default => $sshd_pubkey_authentication } $real_sshd_rsa_authentication = $sshd_rsa_authentication ? { '' => 'no', default => $sshd_rsa_authentication } file { 'sshd_config': path => '/etc/ssh/sshd_config', owner => root, group => 0, mode => 600, content => template("sshd/sshd_config/${operatingsystem}_normal.erb"), notify => Service[sshd], } # Now add the key, if we've got one case $sshrsakey_key { '': { info("no sshrsakey on $fqdn") } default: { @@sshkey{"$hostname.$domain": type => ssh-rsa, key => $sshrsakey_key, ensure => present, require => Package["openssh-clients"], } } } service{'sshd': name => 'sshd', enable => true, ensure => running, hasstatus => true, require => File[sshd_config], } } class sshd::linux inherits sshd::base { package{openssh: ensure => present, } File[sshd_config]{ require +> Package[openssh], } } class sshd::gentoo inherits sshd::linux { Package[openssh]{ category => 'net-misc', } } class sshd::debian inherits sshd::linux { Package[openssh]{ name => 'openssh-server', } Service[sshd]{ name => 'ssh', hasstatus => false, } } class sshd::ubuntu inherits sshd::debian {} class sshd::redhat inherits sshd::linux { Package[openssh]{ name => 'openssh-server', } } class sshd::centos inherits sshd::redhat {} class sshd::openbsd inherits sshd::base { Service[sshd]{ restart => '/bin/kill -HUP `/bin/cat /var/run/sshd.pid`', stop => '/bin/kill `/bin/cat /var/run/sshd.pid`', start => '/usr/sbin/sshd', hasstatus => false, } } ### defines # wrapper to have some defaults. define sshd::ssh_authorized_key( $type = 'ssh-dss', $key, $user = 'root', $target = undef, $options = 'absent' ){ ssh_authorized_key{$name: type => $type, key => $key, user => $user, target => $target, } case $options { 'absent': { info("not setting any option for ssh_authorized_key: $name") } default: { Ssh_authorized_key[$name]{ options => $options, } } } } # deprecated! define sshd::deploy_auth_key( $source = 'present', $user = 'root', $target_dir = '/root/.ssh/', $group = 0 ) { notice("this way of deploying authorized keys is deprecated. use the native ssh_authorized_key instead") $real_target = $target_dir ? { '' => "/home/$user/.ssh/", default => $target_dir, } file {$real_target: ensure => directory, owner => $user, group => $group, mode => 700, } case $source { 'present': { $keysource = $name } default: { $keysource = $source } } file {"authorized_keys_${user}": path => "$real_target/authorized_keys", owner => $user, group => $group, mode => 600, source => [ "puppet://$server/files/sshd/authorized_keys/${keysource}", "puppet://$server/files/sshd/authorized_keys/${fqdn}", "puppet://$server/files/sshd/authorized_keys/default", "puppet://$server/sshd/authorized_keys/${name}", "puppet://$server/sshd/authorized_keys/${fqdn}", "puppet://$server/sshd/authorized_keys/default" ], } }