Puppet Module for Shorewall --------------------------- This module manages the configuration of Shorewall (http://www.shorewall.net/) Versions -------- - forked from http://git.puppet.immerda.ch/?p=module-shorewall.git;a=summary Todo ---- - check if shorewall compiles without errors, otherwise fail ! Documentation ------------- see also: http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/Recipes/AqueosShorewall Example ------- Example from node.pp: node xy { class{'config::site_shorewall': startup => "0" # create shorewall ruleset but don't startup } shorewall::rule { 'incoming-ssh': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'SSH/ACCEPT', order => 200; 'incoming-puppetmaster': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'Puppetmaster/ACCEPT', order => 300; 'incoming-imap': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'IMAP/ACCEPT', order => 300; 'incoming-smtp': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'SMTP/ACCEPT', order => 300; } } class config::site_shorewall($startup = '1') { class{'shorewall': startup => $startup } # If you want logging: #shorewall::params { # 'LOG': value => 'debug'; #} shorewall::zone {'net': type => 'ipv4'; } shorewall::rule_section { 'NEW': order => 100; } $shorewall_main_interface hiera('shorewall_main_interface','eth0') shorewall::interface { $shorewall_main_interface: zone => 'net', rfc1918 => hiera('shorewall_rfc1918_maineth',true) options => 'tcpflags,blacklist,nosmurfs'; } shorewall::policy { 'fw-to-fw': sourcezone => '$FW', destinationzone => '$FW', policy => 'ACCEPT', order => 100; 'fw-to-net': sourcezone => '$FW', destinationzone => 'net', policy => 'ACCEPT', shloglevel => '$LOG', order => 110; 'net-to-fw': sourcezone => 'net', destinationzone => '$FW', policy => 'DROP', shloglevel => '$LOG', order => 120; } # default Rules : ICMP shorewall::rule { 'allicmp-to-host': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', order => 200, action => 'AllowICMPs/ACCEPT'; } }