# # rubygems module # original by luke kanies # http://github.com/lak # # Copyright 2008, Puzzle ITC GmbH # Marcel Härry haerry+puppet(at)puzzle.ch # Simon Josi josi+puppet(at)puzzle.ch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute # it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License version 3 as published by # the Free Software Foundation. # # manage rubygems basics class rubygems { # from debian 8 on this is not anymore needed as it's part of the ruby pkg if ($::operatingsystem != 'Debian') or (versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease,'8') < 0) { package{'rubygems': ensure => installed, } } file { '/etc/gemrc': source => [ 'puppet:///modules/site_rubygems/gemrc', 'puppet:///modules/rubygems/gemrc' ], mode => '0644', owner => 'root', group => 'root', } }