# == Class: rsyslog::client # # Full description of class role here. # # === Parameters # # [*sample_parameter*] # [*log_remote*] # [*spool_size*] # [*remote_type*] # [*log_local*] # [*log_auth_local*] # [*custom_config*] # [*custom_params*] # [*server*] # [*port*] # [*ssl_ca*] # # === Variables # # === Examples # # class { 'rsyslog::client': } # class rsyslog::client ( $log_remote = true, $spool_size = '1g', $remote_type = 'tcp', $log_local = false, $log_auth_local = false, $custom_config = undef, $custom_params = undef, $server = 'log', $port = '514', $ssl_ca = undef, ) inherits rsyslog { $content_real = $custom_config ? { '' => template("${module_name}/client.conf.erb"), default => template($custom_config), } rsyslog::snippet {'client': ensure => present, content => $content_real, } if $rsyslog::ssl and $ssl_ca == undef { fail('You need to define $ssl_ca in order to use SSL.') } if $rsyslog::ssl and $remote_type != 'tcp' { fail('You need to enable tcp in order to use SSL.') } }