class reprepro ( $uploaders, $basedir = '/srv/reprepro', $origin = $::domain, $architectures = [ 'amd64', 'i386', 'source' ], $basedir_mode = '0771', $incoming_mode = '1777', $manage_distributions_conf = true, $manage_incoming_conf = true, $handle_incoming_with_cron = false, $handle_incoming_with_inotify = false ){ package { 'reprepro': ensure => 'installed'; } user { 'reprepro': ensure => present, home => $basedir, gid => 'reprepro', password => '*', comment => 'reprepro sandbox', require => Group['reprepro'], } if !defined(Group['reprepro']) { group { 'reprepro': ensure => present, } } File { owner => reprepro, group => reprepro, } file { $basedir: ensure => directory, mode => $basedir_mode, } file { "${basedir}/conf": ensure => directory, mode => '0770', } file { "${basedir}/db": ensure => directory, mode => '0770', } file { "${basedir}/dists": ensure => directory, mode => '0775', } file { "${basedir}/pool": ensure => directory, mode => '0775', } file { "${basedir}/incoming": ensure => directory, mode => $incoming_mode, } file { "${basedir}/logs": ensure => directory, mode => '0775', } file { "${basedir}/tmp": ensure => directory, mode => '0775', } file { "${basedir}/conf/uploaders": mode => '0660', owner => root, content => template('reprepro/uploaders.erb'), } file { "${basedir}/index.html": mode => '0664', owner => root, content => template('reprepro/index.html.erb'), } file { "${basedir}/.gnupg": ensure => directory, mode => '0700', } file { "${basedir}/.gnupg/secring.gpg": ensure => present, mode => '0600', } file { '/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key': ensure => present, content => template('reprepro/'), owner => root, group => root, mode => '0755', } exec { '/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key': creates => "${basedir}/key.asc", user => reprepro, subscribe => File["${basedir}/.gnupg/secring.gpg"], require => File['/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key'], } file { "${basedir}/conf/distributions": ensure => present, } if $manage_distributions_conf { File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"] { owner => root, mode => '0664', content => template('reprepro/distributions.erb'), } exec { "reprepro -b ${basedir} createsymlinks": refreshonly => true, subscribe => File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"], user => reprepro, path => '/usr/bin:/bin', } exec { "reprepro -b ${basedir} export": refreshonly => true, user => reprepro, subscribe => File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"], path => '/usr/bin:/bin', } } file { "${basedir}/conf/incoming": ensure => present, } if $manage_incoming_conf { File["${basedir}/conf/incoming"] { mode => '0664', owner => root, source => 'puppet:///modules/reprepro/incoming' } } # Handling of incoming with cron $cron_presence = $handle_incoming_with_cron ? { true => present, default => absent, } cron { 'reprepro': ensure => $cron_presence, command => "/usr/bin/reprepro --silent -b ${basedir} processincoming incoming", user => reprepro, minute => '*/5', require => [ Package['reprepro'], File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"], File["${basedir}/incoming"], ], } # Handling of incoming with inoticoming $inoticoming_presence = $handle_incoming_with_inotify ? { true => present, default => absent, } $inoticoming_enabled = $handle_incoming_with_inotify ? { true => true, default => false, } package { 'inoticoming': ensure => $inoticoming_presence, } file { '/etc/init.d/reprepro': ensure => $inoticoming_presence, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0755', source => 'puppet:///modules/reprepro/inoticoming.init', } file { '/etc/default/reprepro': ensure => $inoticoming_presence, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0755', content => template('reprepro/inoticoming.default.erb'), } service { 'reprepro': ensure => $inoticoming_enabled, enable => $inoticoming_enabled, pattern => 'inoticoming.*reprepro.*processincoming', require => [ Package['inoticoming'], File['/etc/default/reprepro'], File['/etc/init.d/reprepro'], File["$basedir/incoming"] ], } # TODO: setup needeed lines in apache site config file }