BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
add_customizable_distributionsadd possibility to have a customizable distributions templateMicah Anderson11 years
add_customizable_incomingadd $incoming_source variable to allow for customizing the incoming configura...Micah Anderson11 years
add_customizable_indexadd the ability to have a customized index.htmlMicah Anderson11 years
add_secringsourceadd a $secring_source parameter to allow for specifying a file resource sourc...Micah Anderson11 years
add_signwithmake Signwith configurable, defaulting to the previous setting (yes)Micah Anderson11 years
fix_missingdependencyadd a service dependency on the reprepro package, without it, the following c...Micah Anderson11 years
lintlint current state of the moduleMicah Anderson11 years
masterfix missing commaMicah Anderson11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2013-02-13fix missing commaHEADmasterMicah Anderson
2013-02-13add customizable incoming sourceMicah Anderson
2013-02-13add $incoming_source variable to allow for customizing the incoming configura...add_customizable_incomingMicah Anderson
2013-02-13Merge branch 'add_customizable_distributions' into leapMicah Anderson
2013-02-13add possibility to have a customizable distributions templateadd_customizable_distributionsMicah Anderson
2013-02-13Merge branch 'add_customizable_index' into leapMicah Anderson
2013-02-13add the ability to have a customized index.htmladd_customizable_indexMicah Anderson
2013-02-13Merge branch 'fix_missingdependency' into leapMicah Anderson
2013-02-13Merge branch 'add_secringsource' into leapMicah Anderson
2013-02-13Merge branch 'add_signwith' into leapMicah Anderson