# == Define: python::requirements # # Installs and manages Python packages from requirements file. # # === Parameters # # [*requirements*] # Path to the requirements file. Defaults to the resource name # # [*virtualenv*] # virtualenv to run pip in. Default: system-wide # # [*owner*] # The owner of the virtualenv being manipulated. Default: root # # [*group*] # The group relating to the virtualenv being manipulated. Default: root # # [*proxy*] # Proxy server to use for outbound connections. Default: none # # [*environment*] # Additional environment variables required to install the packages. Default: none # # === Examples # # python::requirements { '/var/www/project1/requirements.txt': # virtualenv => '/var/www/project1', # proxy => 'http://proxy.domain.com:3128', # } # # === Authors # # Sergey Stankevich # Ashley Penney # Fotis Gimian # define python::requirements ( $requirements = $name, $virtualenv = 'system', $owner = 'root', $group = 'root', $proxy = false, $environment = [] ) { if $virtualenv == 'system' and ($owner != 'root' or $group != 'root') { fail('python::pip: root user must be used when virtualenv is system') } $cwd = $virtualenv ? { 'system' => '/', default => "${virtualenv}", } $pip_env = $virtualenv ? { 'system' => 'pip', default => "${virtualenv}/bin/pip", } $proxy_flag = $proxy ? { false => '', default => "--proxy=${proxy}", } # This will ensure multiple python::virtualenv definitions can share the # the same requirements file. if !defined(File[$requirements]) { file { $requirements: ensure => present, mode => '0644', owner => $owner, group => $group, audit => content, replace => false, content => '# Puppet will install and/or update pip packages listed here', } } exec { "python_requirements${name}": provider => shell, command => "${pip_env} --log-file ${cwd}/pip.log install ${proxy_flag} -r ${requirements}", refreshonly => true, timeout => 1800, user => $owner, subscribe => File[$requirements], environment => $environment, } }