# == Define: python::pip # # Installs and manages packages from pip. # # === Parameters # # [*name] # must be unique # # [*pkgname] # name of the package. If pkgname is not specified, use name (title) instead. # # [*ensure*] # present|absent. Default: present # # [*virtualenv*] # virtualenv to run pip in. # # [*url*] # URL to install from. Default: none # # [*owner*] # The owner of the virtualenv being manipulated. Default: root # # [*proxy*] # Proxy server to use for outbound connections. Default: none # # [*editable*] # Boolean. If true the package is installed as an editable resource. # # [*environment*] # Additional environment variables required to install the packages. Default: none # # [*install_args*] # String. Any additional installation arguments that will be supplied # when running pip install. # # [*uninstall args*] # String. Any additional arguments that will be supplied when running # pip uninstall. # # === Examples # # python::pip { 'flask': # virtualenv => '/var/www/project1', # proxy => 'http://proxy.domain.com:3128', # } # # === Authors # # Sergey Stankevich # Fotis Gimian # define python::pip ( $pkgname = $name, $ensure = present, $virtualenv = 'system', $url = false, $owner = 'root', $proxy = false, $egg = false, $editable = false, $environment = [], $install_args = '', $uninstall_args = '', ) { # Parameter validation if ! $virtualenv { fail('python::pip: virtualenv parameter must not be empty') } if $virtualenv == 'system' and $owner != 'root' { fail('python::pip: root user must be used when virtualenv is system') } $cwd = $virtualenv ? { 'system' => '/', default => $virtualenv, } $pip_env = $virtualenv ? { 'system' => 'pip', default => "${virtualenv}/bin/pip", } $proxy_flag = $proxy ? { false => '', default => "--proxy=${proxy}", } if $editable == true { $install_editable = ' -e ' } else { $install_editable = '' } #TODO: Do more robust argument checking, but below is a start if ($ensure == absent) and ($install_args != '') { fail('python::pip cannot provide install_args with ensure => absent') } if ($ensure == present) and ($uninstall_args != '') { fail('python::pip cannot provide uninstall_args with ensure => present') } # Check if searching by explicit version. if $ensure =~ /^((19|20)[0-9][0-9]-(0[1-9]|1[1-2])-([0-2][1-9]|3[0-1])|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)$/ { $grep_regex = "^${pkgname}==${ensure}\$" } else { $grep_regex = $pkgname ? { /==/ => "^${pkgname}\$", default => "^${pkgname}==", } } $egg_name = $egg ? { false => $pkgname, default => $egg } $source = $url ? { false => $pkgname, default => "${url}#egg=${egg_name}", } # We need to jump through hoops to make sure we issue the correct pip command # depending on wheel support and versions. # # Pip does not support wheels prior to version 1.4.0 # Pip wheels require setuptools/distribute > 0.8 # Python 2.6 and older does not support setuptools/distribute > 0.8 # Pip >= 1.5 tries to use wheels by default, even if wheel package is not # installed, in this case the --no-use-wheel flag needs to be passed # Versions prior to 1.5 don't support the --no-use-wheel flag # # To check for this we test for wheel parameter using help and then using # version, this makes sure we only use wheels if they are supported and # installed case $ensure { /^((19|20)[0-9][0-9]-(0[1-9]|1[1-2])-([0-2][1-9]|3[0-1])|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)$/: { # Version formats as per http://guide.python-distribute.org/specification.html#standard-versioning-schemes # Explicit version. exec { "pip_install_${name}": command => "${pip_env} wheel --help > /dev/null 2>&1 && { ${pip_env} wheel --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || wheel_support_flag='--no-use-wheel'; } ; ${pip_env} --log ${cwd}/pip.log install ${install_args} \$wheel_support_flag ${proxy_flag} ${install_args} ${install_editable} ${source}==${ensure}", unless => "${pip_env} freeze | grep -i -e ${grep_regex}", user => $owner, environment => $environment, path => ['/usr/local/bin','/usr/bin','/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } } present: { # Whatever version is available. exec { "pip_install_${name}": command => "${pip_env} wheel --help > /dev/null 2>&1 && { ${pip_env} wheel --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || wheel_support_flag='--no-use-wheel'; } ; ${pip_env} --log ${cwd}/pip.log install \$wheel_support_flag ${proxy_flag} ${install_args} ${install_editable} ${source}", unless => "${pip_env} freeze | grep -i -e ${grep_regex}", user => $owner, environment => $environment, path => ['/usr/local/bin','/usr/bin','/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } } latest: { # Latest version. exec { "pip_install_${name}": command => "${pip_env} wheel --help > /dev/null 2>&1 && { ${pip_env} wheel --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || wheel_support_flag='--no-use-wheel'; } ; ${pip_env} --log ${cwd}/pip.log install --upgrade \$wheel_support_flag ${proxy_flag} ${uninstall_args} ${install_editable} ${source}", unless => "${pip_env} search ${source} | grep -i INSTALLED | grep -i latest", user => $owner, environment => $environment, path => ['/usr/local/bin','/usr/bin','/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } } default: { # Anti-action, uninstall. exec { "pip_uninstall_${name}": command => "echo y | ${pip_env} uninstall ${uninstall_args} ${proxy_flag} ${use_pkgname}", onlyif => "${pip_env} freeze | grep -i -e ${grep_regex}", user => $owner, environment => $environment, path => ['/usr/local/bin','/usr/bin','/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } } } }