[puppet-python](https://github.com/stankevich/puppet-python) ====== Puppet module for installing and managing python, pip, virtualenvs and Gunicorn virtual hosts. ## Usage ### python Installs and manages python, python-dev, python-virtualenv and Gunicorn. **version** — Python version to install. Default: system default **dev** — Install python-dev. Default: false **virtualenv** — Install python-virtualenv. Default: false **gunicorn** — Install Gunicorn. Default: false class { 'python': version => 'system', dev => true, virtualenv => true, gunicorn => true, } ### python::pip Installs and manages packages from pip. **ensure** — present/absent. Default: present **virtualenv** — virtualenv to run pip in. **url** — URL to install from. Default: none **proxy** — Proxy server to use for outbound connections. Default: none python::pip { 'flask': virtualenv => '/var/www/project1', proxy => 'http://proxy.domain.com:3128', } ### python::requirements Installs and manages Python packages from requirements file. **virtualenv** — virtualenv to run pip in. Default: system-wide **proxy** — Proxy server to use for outbound connections. Default: none python::requirements { '/var/www/project1/requirements.txt': virtualenv => '/var/www/project1', proxy => 'http://proxy.domain.com:3128', } ### python::virtualenv Creates Python virtualenv. **ensure** — present/absent. Default: present **version** — Python version to use. Default: system default **requirements** — Path to pip requirements.txt file. Default: none **proxy** — Proxy server to use for outbound connections. Default: none **systempkgs** — Copy system site-packages into virtualenv. Default: don't **distribute** — Include distribute in the virtualenv. Default: true ** owner ** - specify the owner of this virtualenv ** group ** - specify the group for this virtualenv python::virtualenv { '/var/www/project1': ensure => present, version => 'system', requirements => '/var/www/project1/requirements.txt', proxy => 'http://proxy.domain.com:3128', systempkgs => true, distribute => false, owner => 'appuser', group => 'apps', } ### python::gunicorn Manages Gunicorn virtual hosts. **ensure** — present/absent. Default: present **virtualenv** — Run in virtualenv, specify directory. Default: disabled **mode** — Gunicorn mode. wsgi/django. Default: wsgi **dir** — Application directory. **bind** — Bind on: 'HOST', 'HOST:PORT', 'unix:PATH'. Default: unix:/tmp/gunicorn-$name.socket or unix:${virtualenv}/${name}.socket **environment** — Set ENVIRONMENT variable. Default: none **template** — Which ERB template to use. Default: python/gunicorn.erb python::gunicorn { 'vhost': ensure => present, virtualenv => '/var/www/project1', mode => 'wsgi', dir => '/var/www/project1/current', bind => 'unix:/tmp/gunicorn.socket', environment => 'prod', template => 'python/gunicorn.erb', } ## Authors [Sergey Stankevich](https://github.com/stankevich) [Ashley Penney](https://github.com/apenney) [Marc Fournier](https://github.com/mfournier)