# manifests/puppetmaster.pp import "storeconfigs.pp" class puppet::puppetmaster inherits puppet { case $operatingsystem { centos,debian, redhat: { include puppet::puppetmaster::package } default: { case $kernel { linux: { include puppet::puppetmaster::linux } } } } File[puppet_config]{ source => [ "puppet://$server/files/puppet/master/puppet.conf", "puppet://$server/puppet/master/puppet.conf" ], notify => [Service[puppet],Service[puppetmaster] ], } $real_puppet_fileserverconfig = $puppet_fileserverconfig ? { '' => "/etc/puppet/fileserver.conf", default => $puppet_fileserverconfig, } file { "$real_puppet_fileserverconfig": source => [ "puppet://$server/files/puppet/master/fileserver.conf", "puppet://$server/puppet/master/fileserver.conf" ], notify => [Service[puppet],Service[puppetmaster] ], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 600; } if $puppetmaster_storeconfigs { include puppet::puppetmaster::storeconfigs } # restart the master from time to time to avoid memory problems file{'/etc/cron.d/puppetmaster.cron': source => [ "puppet://$server/puppet/cron.d/puppetmaster.${operatingsystem}", "puppet://$server/puppet/cron.d/puppetmaster" ], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } } class puppet::puppetmaster::linux inherits puppet::linux { service{'puppetmaster': ensure => running, enable => true, require => [ Package[puppet] ], } Service[puppet]{ require +> Service[puppetmaster], } } class puppet::puppetmaster::package inherits puppet::puppetmaster::linux { package { puppet-server: ensure => present } Service[puppetmaster]{ require +> Package[puppet-server], } } class puppet::puppetmaster::cluster inherits puppet::puppetmaster { include mongrel, nginx Service[puppetmaster]{ require +> Service[ngnix], } File[puppet_config] { require => [ Package[mongrel], Package[nginx], File[nginx_config] ], } case $operatingsystem { gentoo, centos: { file{"/etc/init.d/puppetmaster": source => "puppet://$server/puppet/init.d/puppetmaster.${operatingsystem}", owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0755; } } } } define puppet::puppetmaster::hasdb( $dbtype = 'mysql', $dbname = 'puppet', $dbhost = 'localhost', # this is needed due to the collection of the databases $dbhostfqdn = "${fqdn}", $dbuser = 'puppet', $dbpwd = $puppet_storeconfig_password, $dbconnectinghost = 'locahost' ){ case $puppet_storeconfig_password { '': { fail("No \$puppet_storeconfig_password is set, please set it in your manifests or site.pp to add a password") } } case $dbtype { 'mysql': { puppet::puppetmaster::hasdb::mysql{$name: dbname => $dbname, dbhost => $dbhost, dbuser => $dbuser, dbpwd => $dbpwd, } } } } # don't use this define use the general interface define puppet::puppetmaster::hasdb::mysql( $dbname = 'puppet', $dbhost = 'localhost', $dbhostfqdn = "${fqdn}", $dbuser = 'puppet', $dbpwd, $dbconnectinghost = 'locahost' ){ @@mysql_database{$dbname: tag => "mysql_${dbhostfqdn}", } @@mysql_user{"${dbuser}@$${dbconnectinghost}": password_hash => mysql_password("$dbpwd"), require => Mysql_database[$dbname], tag => "mysql_${dbhostfqdn}", } @@mysql_grant{"${dbuser}@$${dbconnectinghost}/${dbname}": privileges => all, require => Mysql_user['munin@localhost'], tag => "mysql_${dbhostfqdn}", } }