#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Puppetlast, a script to output the last check-in time of nodes. Also outputs the cached configuration state, if expired or not. # # AJ "Fujin" Christensen # changed by admin+puppet(at)immerda.ch to fit our needs # require 'puppet' require 'time' Puppet[:config] = "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf" Puppet.parse_config Puppet[:name] = "puppetmasterd" Puppet::Node::Facts.terminus_class = :yaml all = false timeout = 120 ARGV.each do |arg| if arg.to_s == '--all' all = true else timeout = arg.to_i end end Puppet::Node::Facts.search("*").sort { |a,b| a.name <=> b.name }.each do |node| puts "#{node.name} #{node.expired? ? 'cached expired, ' : ''}last checked #{((Time.now - Time.parse(node.values[:_timestamp])) / 60).floor} minutes ago" if (((Time.now - Time.parse(node.values[:_timestamp])) / 60).floor > timeout or all) end