# a config.ru, for use with every rack-compatible webserver. # SSL needs to be handled outside this, though. # if puppet is not in your RUBYLIB: # $:.unshift('/opt/puppet/lib') $0 = "master" # if you want debugging: # ARGV << "--debug" ARGV << "--rack" # NOTE: it's unfortunate that we have to use the "CommandLine" class # here to launch the app, but it contains some initialization logic # (such as triggering the parsing of the config file) that is very # important. We should do something less nasty here when we've # gotten our API and settings initialization logic cleaned up. # # Also note that the "$0 = master" line up near the top here is # the magic that allows the CommandLine class to know that it's # supposed to be running master. # # --cprice 2012-05-22 require 'puppet/util/command_line' # we're usually running inside a Rack::Builder.new {} block, # therefore we need to call run *here*. run Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new.execute