/* == Definition: postfix::transport Manages content of the /etc/postfix/transport map. Parameters: - *name*: name of address postfix will lookup. See transport(5). - *destination*: where the emails will be delivered to. See transport(5). - *ensure*: present/absent, defaults to present. Requires: - Class["postfix"] - Postfix::Hash["/etc/postfix/transport"] - Postfix::Config["transport_maps"] - file_line (from module stdlib) Example usage: node "toto.example.com" { class { 'postfix': } postfix::hash { "/etc/postfix/transport": ensure => present, } postfix::config { "transport_maps": value => "hash:/etc/postfix/transport" } postfix::transport { "mailman.example.com": ensure => present, destination => "mailman", } } */ define postfix::transport ($ensure="present", $destination) { file_line {"${name} ${destination}": ensure => $ensure, path => "/etc/postfix/transport", line => "${name} ${destination}", notify => Exec["generate /etc/postfix/transport.db"], require => Package["postfix"], } }