Passenger (mod_rails) puppet module ----------------------------------- This puppet module handles a passenger setup, it installs the packages, and configures some munin graphs. Dependencies ------------ This module expects you to have: . apache module Optional: . munin module Getting started --------------- Simply do 'include passenger' and it will be installed. Configuration ------------- If you need to install a specific version of passenger or librack-ruby, you can specify the version to be installed by providing a variable, for example: class { 'passenger': passenger_ensure_version => '2.2.23-2~bpo50+1', librack-ruby_ensure_version = "1.0.0-2~bpo50+1" } If you wish to use gems, pass 'use_gems => true'. By default munin will be used, but you can disable that by passing 'use_munin => false'. If you need to set different munin plugin configuration values, you can also do so as follows: $passenger_memory_munin_config = "user root\nenv.passenger_memory_stats /opt/bin/passenger-memory-stats" $passenger_stats_munin_config = "user root\nenv.PASSENGER_TMPDIR /var/tmp\n"