path: root/spec/defines
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/defines')
3 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/defines/openvpn_client_spec.rb b/spec/defines/openvpn_client_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc2c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/defines/openvpn_client_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'openvpn::client', :type => :define do
+ let(:title) { 'test_client' }
+ let(:params) { { 'server' => 'test_server' } }
+ let(:facts) { { :fqdn => 'somehost', :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' } }
+ it { should contain_exec('generate certificate for test_client in context of test_server') }
+ [ 'test_client', 'test_client/keys'].each do |directory|
+ it { should contain_file("/etc/openvpn/test_server/download-configs/#{directory}") }
+ end
+ [ 'test_client.crt', 'test_client.key', 'ca.crt' ].each do |file|
+ it { should contain_file("/etc/openvpn/test_server/download-configs/test_client/keys/#{file}").with(
+ 'ensure' => 'link',
+ 'target' => "/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/keys/#{file}"
+ )}
+ end
+ it { should contain_exec('tar the thing test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'cwd' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/download-configs/',
+ 'command' => '/bin/rm test_client.tar.gz; tar --exclude=\*.conf.d -chzvf test_client.tar.gz test_client'
+ ) }
+ # exec {
+ # "tar the thing ${server} with ${name}":
+ # cwd => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/",
+ # command => "/bin/rm ${name}.tar.gz; tar --exclude=\\*.conf.d -chzvf ${name}.tar.gz ${name}",
+ # }
+ #
+ #
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('ca test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'ca',
+ 'value' => 'keys/ca.crt'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('cert test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'cert',
+ 'value' => 'keys/test_client.crt'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('key test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'key',
+ 'value' => 'keys/test_client.key'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('client test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'client'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('dev test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'dev',
+ 'value' => 'tun'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('proto test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'proto',
+ 'value' => 'tcp'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('remote test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'remote',
+ 'value' => 'somehost 1194'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('resolv-retry test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'resolv-retry',
+ 'value' => 'infinite'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('nobind test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'nobind'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('persist-key test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'persist-key'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('persist-tun test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'persist-tun'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('mute-replay-warnings test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'mute-replay-warnings'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('ns-cert-type test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'ns-cert-type',
+ 'value' => 'server'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('comp-lzo test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'comp-lzo'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('verb test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'verb',
+ 'value' => '3'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('mute test_server with test_client').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'client' => 'test_client',
+ 'key' => 'mute',
+ 'value' => '20'
+ )}
diff --git a/spec/defines/openvpn_option_spec.rb b/spec/defines/openvpn_option_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d1661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/defines/openvpn_option_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'openvpn::option', :type => :define do
+ let(:title) { 'test_param' }
+ context "when key => 'test_key', server => 'test_server'" do
+ let(:params) { { 'key' => 'test_key', 'server' => 'test_server' } }
+ it { should contain_concat__fragment('openvpn.test_server..test_param').with(
+ 'target' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server.conf',
+ 'content' => "test_key\n"
+ ) }
+ end
+ context "when key => 'test_key', value => 'test_value', server => 'test_server'" do
+ let(:params) { { 'key' => 'test_key', 'value' => 'test_value', 'server' => 'test_server' } }
+ it { should contain_concat__fragment('openvpn.test_server..test_param').with(
+ 'target' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server.conf',
+ 'content' => "test_key test_value\n"
+ ) }
+ end
+ context "when key => 'test_key', server => 'test_server', client => 'test_client'" do
+ let(:params) { { 'key' => 'test_key', 'server' => 'test_server', 'client' => 'test_client' } }
+ it { should contain_concat__fragment('openvpn.test_server.test_client.test_param').with(
+ 'target' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/download-configs/test_client/test_client.conf',
+ 'content' => "test_key\n"
+ ) }
+ end
+ context "when key => 'test_key', server => 'test_server', client => 'test_client', csc => true" do
+ let(:params) { { 'key' => 'test_key', 'server' => 'test_server', 'client' => 'test_client', 'csc' => 'true' } }
+ it { should contain_concat__fragment('openvpn.test_server.test_client.test_param').with(
+ 'target' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/client-configs/test_client',
+ 'content' => "test_key\n"
+ ) }
+ end
diff --git a/spec/defines/openvpn_server_spec.rb b/spec/defines/openvpn_server_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1032302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/defines/openvpn_server_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'openvpn::server', :type => :define do
+ let(:title) { 'test_server' }
+ let(:params) { {
+ 'country' => 'CO',
+ 'province' => 'ST',
+ 'city' => 'Some City',
+ 'organization' => '',
+ 'email' => ''
+ } }
+ let (:facts) { { :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' } }
+ # Files associated with a server config
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server').with('ensure' => 'directory')}
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server/client-configs').with('ensure' => 'directory')}
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server/download-configs').with('ensure' => 'directory')}
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/vars')}
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf')}
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server/keys').with(
+ 'ensure' => 'link',
+ 'target' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/keys'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_concat__fragment('openvpn.default.autostart.test_server').with(
+ 'content' => "AUTOSTART=\"$AUTOSTART test_server\"\n",
+ 'target' => '/etc/default/openvpn'
+ )}
+ # Execs to working with certificates
+ it { should contain_exec('copy easy-rsa to openvpn config folder test_server').with(
+ 'command' => '/bin/cp -r /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0 /etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_exec('generate dh param test_server') }
+ it { should contain_exec('initca test_server') }
+ it { should contain_exec('generate server cert test_server') }
+ # Options that should be set
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('client-config-dir test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'client-config-dir',
+ 'value' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/client-configs'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('mode test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'mode',
+ 'value' => 'server'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('ca test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'ca',
+ 'value' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/keys/ca.crt'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('cert test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'cert',
+ 'value' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/keys/server.crt'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('key test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'key',
+ 'value' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/keys/server.key'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('dh test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'dh',
+ 'value' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/keys/dh1024.pem'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('proto test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'proto',
+ 'value' => 'tcp'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_openvpn__option('comp-lzo test_server').with(
+ 'server' => 'test_server',
+ 'key' => 'comp-lzo'
+ )}
+ context "when RedHat based machine" do
+ let(:facts) { { :osfamily => 'RedHat', :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' } }
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf').with(
+ 'ensure' => 'link',
+ 'target' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/openssl-1.0.0.cnf'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_exec('copy easy-rsa to openvpn config folder test_server').with(
+ 'command' => '/bin/cp -r /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.2.2/easy-rsa/2.0 /etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa'
+ )}
+ end
+ context "when Debian based machine" do
+ let(:facts) { { :osfamily => 'Debian', :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' } }
+ it { should contain_file('/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf').with(
+ 'ensure' => 'link',
+ 'target' => '/etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa/openssl-1.0.0.cnf'
+ )}
+ it { should contain_exec('copy easy-rsa to openvpn config folder test_server').with(
+ 'command' => '/bin/cp -r /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0 /etc/openvpn/test_server/easy-rsa'
+ )}
+ end