# Class: ntp # # This module manages the ntp service. # # Jeff McCune # 2011-02-23 # # Tested platforms: # - Debian 6.0 Squeeze # - CentOS 5.4 # - Amazon Linux 2011.09 # - FreeBSD 9.0 # - Archlinux # # Parameters: # # $servers = [ '0.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', # '1.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', # '2.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', # '3.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', ] # # $restrict = true # Whether to restrict ntp daemons from allowing others to use as a server. # # $autoupdate = false # Whether to update the ntp package automatically or not. # # $enable = true # Automatically start ntp deamon on boot. # # $template = '${module_name}/${config_tpl}' # Override with your own explicit template. # # Actions: # # Installs, configures, and manages the ntp service. # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # # class { "ntp": # servers => [ 'time.apple.com' ], # autoupdate => false, # } # # [Remember: No empty lines between comments and class definition] class ntp($servers='UNSET', $ensure='running', $enable=true, $restrict=true, $config_template=undef, $autoupdate=false ) { if ! ($ensure in [ 'running', 'stopped' ]) { fail('ensure parameter must be running or stopped') } if $autoupdate == true { $package_ensure = latest } elsif $autoupdate == false { $package_ensure = present } else { fail('autoupdate parameter must be true or false') } case $::osfamily { Debian: { $supported = true $pkg_name = [ 'ntp' ] $svc_name = 'ntp' $config = '/etc/ntp.conf' $config_tpl = 'ntp.conf.debian.erb' if ($servers == 'UNSET') { $servers_real = [ '0.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', '1.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', '2.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', '3.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst', ] } else { $servers_real = $servers } } RedHat: { $supported = true $pkg_name = [ 'ntp' ] $svc_name = 'ntpd' $config = '/etc/ntp.conf' $config_tpl = 'ntp.conf.el.erb' if ($servers == 'UNSET') { $servers_real = [ '0.centos.pool.ntp.org', '1.centos.pool.ntp.org', '2.centos.pool.ntp.org', ] } else { $servers_real = $servers } } SuSE: { $supported = true $pkg_name = [ 'ntp' ] $svc_name = 'ntp' $config = '/etc/ntp.conf' $config_tpl = 'ntp.conf.suse.erb' if ($servers == 'UNSET') { $servers_real = [ '0.opensuse.pool.ntp.org', '1.opensuse.pool.ntp.org', '2.opensuse.pool.ntp.org', '3.opensuse.pool.ntp.org', ] } else { $servers_real = $servers } } FreeBSD: { $supported = true $pkg_name = ['net/ntp'] $svc_name = 'ntpd' $config = '/etc/ntp.conf' $config_tpl = 'ntp.conf.freebsd.erb' if ($servers == 'UNSET') { $servers_real = [ '0.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9', '1.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9', '2.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9', '3.freebsd.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9', ] } else { $servers_real = $servers } } Linux: { if ($::operatingsystem == 'Archlinux') { $supported = true $pkg_name = ['ntp'] $svc_name = 'ntpd' $config = '/etc/ntp.conf' $config_tpl = 'ntp.conf.archlinux.erb' if ($servers == 'UNSET') { $servers_real = [ '0.pool.ntp.org', '1.pool.ntp.org', '2.pool.ntp.org' ] } else { $servers_real = $servers } } else { fail("The ${module_name} module is not supported on an ${::operatingsystem} system") } } default: { fail("The ${module_name} module is not supported on ${::osfamily} based systems") } } if ($config_template == undef) { $template_real = "${module_name}/${config_tpl}" } else { $template_real = $config_template } package { 'ntp': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $pkg_name, } file { $config: ensure => file, owner => 0, group => 0, mode => '0644', content => template($template_real), require => Package[$pkg_name], } service { 'ntp': ensure => $ensure, enable => $enable, name => $svc_name, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, subscribe => [ Package[$pkg_name], File[$config] ], } }