define nagios::service ( $ensure = present, $host_name = $::fqdn, $check_command = 'absent', $check_period = '', $normal_check_interval = '', $retry_check_interval = '', $max_check_attempts = '', $notification_interval = '', $notification_period = '', $notification_options = '', $contact_groups = '', $use = 'generic-service', $service_description = 'absent', $use_nrpe = false, $nrpe_args = '', $nrpe_timeout = 10 ) { # TODO: this resource should normally accept all nagios_host parameters $real_name = "${::hostname}_${name}" @@nagios_service { "${real_name}": ensure => $ensure, notify => Service[nagios]; } if $ensure != 'absent' { if $check_comand == 'absent' { fail("Must pass a check_command to ${name} if it should be present") } if $use_nrpe == true { include nagios::command::nrpe_timeout if ($nrpe_args != '') { $real_check_command = "check_nrpe_timeout!$nrpe_timeout!$check_command!\"$nrpe_args\"" } else { $real_check_command = "check_nrpe_1arg_timeout!$nrpe_timeout!$check_command" } } else { $real_check_command = "$check_command" } Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { check_command => $real_check_command, host_name => $host_name, use => $use, service_description => $service_description ?{ 'absent' => $name, default => $service_description } } if ($check_period != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { check_period => $check_period } } if ($normal_check_interval != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { normal_check_interval => $normal_check_interval } } if ($retry_check_interval != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { retry_check_interval => $retry_check_interval } } if ($max_check_attempts != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { max_check_attempts => $max_check_attempts } } if ($notification_interval != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { notification_interval => $notification_interval } } if ($notification_period != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { notification_period => $notification_period } } if ($notification_options != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { notification_options => $notification_options } } if ($contact_groups != '') { Nagios_service["${real_name}"] { contact_groups => $contact_groups } } } }