define nagios::service( $ensure = present, $check_command = absent, $host_name = $fqdn, $use = 'generic-service', $notification_period = "24x7", $max_check_attempts = 4, $retry_check_interval = 1, $notification_interval = 960, $normal_check_interval = 5, $check_period = "24x7", $nagios_contact_groups_in = $nagios_contact_groups, $service_description = 'absent') { if $ensure == present and $check_command == absent { fail("You have to define \$check_command if nagios::service shoudl be present!") } # this ensures nagios internal check, that every # service has it's host # temporary disabled. # include nagios::target::host $real_nagios_contact_groups = $nagios_contact_groups_in ? { '' => 'admins', default => $nagios_contact_groups_in } @@nagios_service {$name: ensure => $ensure, check_command => $check_command, use => $use, host_name => $host_name, notification_period => $notification_period, max_check_attempts => $max_check_attempts, retry_check_interval => $retry_check_interval, notification_interval => $notification_interval, normal_check_interval => $normal_check_interval, contact_groups => $real_nagios_contact_groups, check_period => $check_period, notify => Service[nagios], } case $service_description { 'absent': { Nagios_service[$name]{ service_description => $name, } } default: { Nagios_service[$name]{ service_description => $service_description, } } } }