#!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title Nagios host stats' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_vlabel hosts' echo 'graph_category nagios' echo 'graph_info The number of hosts checked by nagios' echo 'up.label up' echo 'up.draw AREA' echo 'up.info number of hosts UP' echo 'down.label down' echo 'down.draw STACK' echo 'down.info number of hosts DOWN' echo 'unr.label unr' echo 'unr.draw STACK' echo 'unr.info number of hosts UNREACHABLE' exit 0 fi echo -n 'up.value ' /usr/local/sbin/nagiostats --mrtg --data NUMHSTUP echo -n 'down.value ' /usr/local/sbin/nagiostats --mrtg --data NUMHSTDOWN echo -n 'unr.value ' /usr/local/sbin/nagiostats --mrtg --data NUMHSTUNR