path: root/manifests/init.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/init.pp')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..416ac0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# nagios.pp - everything nagios related
+# Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt <>
+# See LICENSE for the full license granted to you.
+# the directory containing all nagios configs:
+$nagios_cfgdir = "/var/lib/puppet/modules/nagios"
+modules_dir{ nagios: }
+class nagios {
+ case $operatingsystem {
+ debian: { include nagios::debian }
+ centos: { include nagios::centos }
+ default: { include nagios::base }
+ }
+class nagios::debian inherits nagios::base {
+ Package [nagios]{
+ name => "nagios2",
+ }
+ package {
+ "nagios-plugins-standard":
+ ensure => installed,
+ }
+ Service[nagios] {
+ # Current Debian/etch pattern
+ pattern => "/usr/sbin/nagios2 -d /etc/nagios2/nagios.cfg",
+ subscribe => File [ $nagios_cfgdir ]
+ }
+ File["$etc_nagios_path/htpasswd.users"]{
+ group => www-data,
+ }
+ file {
+ [ "/etc/nagios2/conf.d/localhost_nagios2.cfg",
+ "/etc/nagios2/conf.d/extinfo_nagios2.cfg",
+ "/etc/nagios2/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg" ]:
+ ensure => absent,
+ notify => Service[nagios2];
+ }
+ # permit external commands from the CGI
+ file {
+ "/var/lib/nagios2":
+ ensure => directory, mode => 751,
+ owner => nagios, group => nagios,
+ notify => Service[nagios2];
+ }
+ file{
+ "/var/lib/nagios2/rw":
+ ensure => directory, mode => 2710,
+ owner => nagios, group => www-data,
+ notify => Service[nagios2];
+ }
+ # TODO: these are not very robust!
+ replace {
+ # Debian installs a default check for the localhost. Since VServers
+ # usually have no localhost IP, this fixes the definition to check the
+ # real IP
+ fix_default_config:
+ file => "/etc/nagios2/conf.d/localhost_nagios2.cfg",
+ pattern => "address *",
+ replacement => "address $ipaddress",
+ notify => Service[nagios2];
+ # enable external commands from the CGI
+ enable_extcommands:
+ file => "/etc/nagios2/nagios.cfg",
+ pattern => "check_external_commands=0",
+ replacement => "check_external_commands=1",
+ notify => Service[nagios2];
+ # put a cap on service checks
+ cap_service_checks:
+ file => "/etc/nagios2/nagios.cfg",
+ pattern => "max_concurrent_checks=0",
+ replacement => "max_concurrent_checks=30",
+ notify => Service[nagios2];
+ }
+# end nagios::debian
+class nagios::centos inherits nagios::base {
+ package { [ 'nagios-plugins-smtp','nagios-plugins-http', 'nagios-plugins-ssh', 'nagios-plugins-udp', 'nagios-plugins-tcp', 'nagios-plugins-dig', 'nagios-plugins-nrpe', 'nagios-plugins-load', 'nagios-plugins-dns', 'nagios-plugins-ping', 'nagios-plugins-procs', 'nagios-plugins-users', 'nagios-plugins-ldap', 'nagios-plugins-disk', 'nagios-devel', 'nagios-plugins-swap', 'nagios-plugins-nagios', 'nagios-plugins-perl' ]:
+ ensure => 'present',
+ }
+ Service[nagios]{
+ hasstatus => true,
+ }
+class nagios::vars {
+ case $operatingsystem {
+ debian: {
+ $etc_nagios_path = "/etc/nagios2"
+ }
+ default: {
+ $etc_nagios_path = "/etc/nagios"
+ }
+ }
+class nagios::base {
+ package { nagios:
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ service{nagios:
+ ensure => running,
+ enable => true,
+ #hasstatus => true, #fixme!
+ require => Package[nagios],
+ }
+ include nagios::vars
+ # import the various definitions
+ File <<| tag == 'nagios' |>>
+ file {
+ "$etc_nagios_path/htpasswd.users":
+ source => [
+ "puppet://$servername/files/nagios/htpasswd.users",
+ "puppet://$servername/nagios/htpasswd.users"
+ ],
+ mode => 0640, owner => root, group => apache;
+ }
+ file {
+ "$nagios_cfgdir/hosts.d":
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => 0755,
+ }
+ define command($command_line) {
+ file { "$nagios_cfgdir/hosts.d/${name}_command.cfg":
+ ensure => present, content => template( "nagios/command.erb" ),
+ mode => 644, owner => root, group => root,
+ notify => Service[nagios2],
+ }
+ }
+ nagios2::command {
+ # from ssh.pp
+ ssh_port:
+ command_line => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ssh -p $ARG1$ $HOSTADDRESS$';
+ # from apache2.pp
+ http_port:
+ command_line => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -p $ARG1$ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$';
+ # from bind.pp
+ nameserver: command_line => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dns -H -s $HOSTADDRESS$';
+ # TODO: debug this, produces copious false positives:
+ # check_dig2: command_line => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dig -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -l $ARG1$ --record_type=$ARG2$ --expected_address=$ARG3$ --warning=2.0 --critical=4.0';
+ check_dig2: command_line => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dig -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -l $ARG1$ --record_type=$ARG2$'
+ }
+ define host($ip = $fqdn, $short_alias = $fqdn) {
+ @@file {
+ "$nagios_cfgdir/${name}_host.cfg":
+ ensure => present, content => template( "nagios/host.erb" ),
+ mode => 644, owner => root, group => root,
+ tag => 'nagios'
+ }
+ }
+ define service($check_command = '',
+ $nagios2_host_name = $fqdn, $nagios2_description = '')
+ {
+ # this is required to pass nagios' internal checks:
+ # every service needs to have a defined host
+ include nagios2::target
+ $real_check_command = $check_command ? {
+ '' => $name,
+ default => $check_command
+ }
+ $real_nagios2_description = $nagios2_description ? {
+ '' => $name,
+ default => $nagios2_description
+ }
+ @@file {
+ "$nagios_cfgdir/${nagios2_host_name}_${name}_service.cfg":
+ ensure => present, content => template( "nagios/service.erb" ),
+ mode => 644, owner => root, group => root,
+ tag => 'nagios'
+ }
+ }
+ define extra_host($ip = $fqdn, $short_alias = $fqdn, $parent = "none") {
+ $nagios_parent = $parent
+ file {
+ "$nagios_cfgdir/${name}_host.cfg":
+ ensure => present, content => template( "nagios/host.erb" ),
+ mode => 644, owner => root, group => root,
+ notify => Service[nagios2],
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # include this class in every host that should be monitored by nagios
+ class target {
+ nagios2::host { $fqdn: }
+ debug ( "$fqdn has $nagios_parent as parent" )
+ }
+} # end nagios::base
+## The main nagios monitor class
+#class nagios2 {
+# file {
+# "/etc/nagios2/conf.d/hostgroups_nagios2.cfg":
+# source => "puppet://$servername/nagios/hostgroups_nagios2.cfg",
+# mode => 0644, owner => root, group => www-data,
+# notify => Service[nagios2];
+# }
+## line { include_cfgdir:
+## file => "/etc/nagios2/nagios.cfg",
+## line => "cfg_dir=$nagios_cfgdir",
+## notify => Service[nagios2],
+## }
+# munin::plugin {
+# nagios_hosts: script_path => "/usr/local/bin";
+# nagios_svc: script_path => "/usr/local/bin";
+# nagios_perf_hosts: ensure => nagios_perf_, script_path => "/usr/local/bin";
+# nagios_perf_svc: ensure => nagios_perf_, script_path => "/usr/local/bin";
+# }
+# file { "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/nagios":
+# content => "[nagios_*]\nuser root\n",
+# mode => 0655, owner => root, group => root,
+# notify => Service[munin-node]
+# }