# $config needs to be a hash of key => value pairs. # # values in config are output as key = value, except when the value is empty; # then just key is output. if you need to output an empty value in the form # key = value, then you can specify empty quotes as the value (see example). # # mysql::conf { 'test': # ensure => present, # section => 'mysqld', # config => { # table_cache => '15000', # skip_slave => '', # something => '""', # } # } # # This will generate the following contents: # [mysqld] # skip_slave # something = "" # table_cache = 15000 # define mysql::conf ( $section, $config, $ensure = present ) { include mysql::server::base file { "/etc/mysql/conf.d/${name}.cnf": ensure => $ensure, content => template('mysql/conf.erb'), } }