require 'spec_helper' describe 'munin::plugin' do let(:title) { 'users' } let(:facts) do { :operatingsystem => 'CentOS' } end context 'present' do it { should contain_file('/etc/munin/plugins/users').with( :ensure => 'link', :target => '/usr/share/munin/plugins/users' ) } it { should_not contain_file('/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/users.conf') } end context 'present and config' do let(:params) do { :config => 'env.user root' } end it { should contain_file('/etc/munin/plugins/users').with( :ensure => 'link', :target => '/usr/share/munin/plugins/users', :notify => 'Service[munin-node]' ) } it { should contain_file('/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/users.conf').with( :content => "[users]\nenv.user root\n", :owner => 'root', :group => 0, :mode => '0640' ) } end context 'present and config as an array' do let(:params) do { :config => [ 'env.user root', ' root' ] } end it { should contain_file('/etc/munin/plugins/users').with( :ensure => 'link', :target => '/usr/share/munin/plugins/users', :notify => 'Service[munin-node]' ) } it { should contain_file('/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/users.conf').with( :content => "[users]\nenv.user root\ root\n", :owner => 'root', :group => 0, :mode => '0640' ) } end context 'absent' do let(:params) do { :ensure => 'absent' } end it { should_not contain_file('/etc/munin/plugins/users') } it { should_not contain_file('/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/users.conf') } end end