require 'spec_helper' describe 'munin::client::base' do let :default_facts do { :fqdn => '', } end let :pre_condition do 'include munin::client' end context 'on Debian' do let :facts do { :operatingsystem => 'Debian' }.merge(default_facts) end it 'should compile' do should include_class('munin::client::base') end it 'should set up munin-node' do should contain_service('munin-node').with({ :ensure => 'running', :enable => true, :hasstatus => true, :hasrestart => true, }) should contain_file('/etc/munin').with({ :ensure => 'directory', :mode => '0755', :owner => 'root', :group => 0, }) should contain_file('/etc/munin/munin-node.conf'). with_content(/^host_name$/). with_content(/^allow \^127\\\.0\\\.0\\\.1\$$/). with_content(/^host \*$/). with_content(/^port 4949$/) should contain_munin__register('').with({ :host => '', :port => '4949', :use_ssh => false, :config => [ 'use_node_name yes', 'load.load.warning 5', 'load.load.critical 10'], :export_tag => 'munin', }) should contain_class('munin::plugins::base') end it 'should contain the Debian specific values' do should contain_file('/etc/munin/munin-node.conf'). with_content(/^log_file \/var\/log\/munin\/munin-node.log$/). with_content(/^group root$/) end end context 'on CentOS' do let :facts do { :operatingsystem => 'CentOS' }.merge(default_facts) end it 'should contain the CentOS specific values' do should contain_file('/etc/munin/munin-node.conf'). with_content(/^log_file \/var\/log\/munin-node\/munin-node.log$/). with_content(/^group root$/) end end # Disabled because the required openbsd module is not in the requirements context 'on OpenBSD', :if => false do let :facts do { :operatingsystem => 'OpenBSD' }.merge(default_facts) end it 'should contain the config OpenBSD specific values' do should contain_file('/etc/munin/munin-node.conf'). with_content(/^log_file \/var\/log\/munin-node\/munin-node.log$/). with_content(/^group 0$/) end end end