# configure a specific munin plugin # # We only manage the plugin if it is not set to absent. # A plugin (or its config) that should be removed should # be purged by the recursively managed plugins- or # config-directory. So we can safe a few resources being # managed. define munin::plugin ( $ensure = 'present', $script_path_in = '', $config = '', ) { if $ensure != 'absent' { include munin::plugin::scriptpaths include munin::plugins::setup $real_script_path = $script_path_in ? { '' => $munin::plugin::scriptpaths::script_path, default => $script_path_in } $plugin_src = $ensure ? { 'present' => $name, default => $ensure } file { "/etc/munin/plugins/${name}": ensure => link, target =>"${real_script_path}/${plugin_src}", notify => Service['munin-node']; } if (str2bool($::selinux) == true) and (($::operatingsystem != 'CentOS') or ($::operatingsystem == 'CentOS' and $::lsbmajdistrelease != '5')){ File["/etc/munin/plugins/${name}"]{ seltype => 'munin_etc_t', } } if !empty($config) { file { "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/${name}.conf": content => inline_template("[<%= @name %>]\n<%= Array(@config).join(\"\n\") %>\n"), owner => root, group => 0, mode => '0640', } } } }