# host.pp - the master host of the munin installation # Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt # See LICENSE for the full license granted to you. class munin::host { package { [ "munin", "nmap"]: ensure => installed, } File <<||>> concatenated_file { "/etc/munin/munin.conf": dir => $NODESDIR, header => "/etc/munin/munin.conf.header", } file { ["/var/log/munin-update.log", "/var/log/munin-graph.log", "/var/log/munin-html.log"]: ensure => present, mode => 640, owner => munin, group => root; } } class munin::snmp_collector { file { "/var/lib/puppet/modules/munin/create_snmp_links": source => "puppet://$servername/munin/create_snmp_links.sh", mode => 755, owner => root, group => root; } exec { "create_snmp_links": command => "/var/lib/puppet/modules/munin/create_snmp_links $NODESDIR", require => File["snmp_links"], timeout => "2048", schedule => daily } }