# Script to monitor CPU usage of Xen domains
# Parameters understood:
#     conifg    (required)
#     autoconf  (optinal - used by munin-config)


if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
        if which xm > /dev/null ; then
                echo yes
                exit 0
        echo "no (xm not found)"
        exit 1

if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then

        echo 'graph_title Xen Domain Utilerisation'
        echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0'
        echo 'graph_scale no'
        echo 'graph_vlabel mS'
        echo 'graph_category xen'
        echo 'graph_info This graph shows of many mS wall time where used by a domain'
        /usr/sbin/xm list | grep -v "^Name .* Console$" | \
        while read name domid mem cpu state time console; do
                name=`echo $name | sed -e"s/-/_/"`
                echo "$name.label $name"
                echo "$name.type COUNTER"
#               if [ "$name" = "Domain_0" ]; then
#                       echo "$name.draw AREA"
#               else
#                       echo "$name.draw STACK"
#               fi
                echo "$name.min 0"
                echo "$name.info Wall clock time spend for $name"
        exit 0

/usr/sbin/xm list | grep -v "^Name" | grep -v "^Name .* Console$" | \
while read name domid mem cpu state time console; do
        name=`echo $name | sed -e"s/-/_/"`
        time=`echo $time | sed -e "s/\.//"`
        echo "$name.value $time"