#!/usr/bin/perl -T # tinydns-munin-plugin + # Copyright (C) 2007 admin at immerda.ch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # with the HELP of # tinygraph -- a RRDtool frontend for tinydns statistics # Copyright (C) 2005 Ulrich Zehl #use strict; # to activate .... #use Time::TAI64 qw(tai2unix); $A = 0; $NS = 0; $CNAME = 0; $SOA = 0; $PTR = 0; $HINFO = 0; $MX = 0; $TXT = 0; $RP = 0; $SIG = 0; $KEY = 0; $AAAA = 0; $A6 = 0; $IXFR = 0; $AXFR = 0; $ANY = 0; $logfile = $ENV{logdir} || "/var/tinydns/log/main/current"; if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) { print "host_name $ENV{FQDN}\n"; print "graph_title tinydns\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_category DNS\n"; print "a.type COUNTER\n"; print "mx.type COUNTER\n"; print "a.label A\n"; print "ns.label NS\n"; print "cname.label CNAME\n"; print "soa.label SOA\n"; print "ptr.label PTR\n"; print "mx.label MX\n"; print "aaaa.label AAAA\n"; print "any.label ANY\n"; print "hinfo.label HINFO\n"; print "txt.label TXT\n"; print "rp.label RP\n"; print "sig.label SIG\n"; print "key.label KEY\n"; print "a6.label A6\n"; print "ixfr.label IXFR\n"; print "axfr.label AXFR\n"; print "a.type COUNTER\n"; print "ns.type COUNTER\n"; print "cname.type COUNTER\n"; print "soa.type COUNTER\n"; print "ptr.type COUNTER\n"; print "mx.type COUNTER\n"; print "aaaa.type COUNTER\n"; print "any.type COUNTER\n"; print "hinfo.type COUNTER\n"; print "txt.type COUNTER\n"; print "rp.type COUNTER\n"; print "sig.type COUNTER\n"; print "key.type COUNTER\n"; print "a6.type COUNTER\n"; print "ixfr.type COUNTER\n"; print "axfr.type COUNTER\n"; exit 0; } my %querytypes = ( '0001' => 'A', '0002' => 'NS', '0005' => 'CNAME', '0006' => 'SOA', '000c' => 'PTR', '000d' => 'HINFO', '000f' => 'MX', '0010' => 'TXT', '0011' => 'RP', '0018' => 'SIG', '0019' => 'KEY', '001c' => 'AAAA', '0026' => 'A6', '00fb' => 'IXFR', '00fc' => 'AXFR', '00ff' => 'ANY', ); my %sum = ( (map {$_ => 0} values %querytypes), ); sub process_line($) { my $line = shift; if ($line =~ /^(@[a-f0-9]{24}) ([a-f0-9]{8}):[a-f0-9]{4}:[a-f0-9]{4} ([\+\-IC\/]) ([a-f0-9]{4}) (.+)$/) { #my $time = tai2unix($1); my $ip = join(".", unpack("C*", pack("H8", $2))); my $rtype = $3; my $qtype = $querytypes{$4}; #my $qstring = $5; # currently unused if ($rtype eq '+') { if ($qtype eq 'A'){$A++;}; if ($qtype eq 'NS'){$NS++;}; if ($qtype eq 'CNAME'){$CNAME++;}; if ($qtype eq 'SOA'){$SOA++;}; if ($qtype eq 'PTR'){$PTR++;}; if ($qtype eq 'HINFO'){$HINFO++;}; if ($qtype eq 'MX'){$MX++;}; if ($qtype eq 'TXT'){$TXT++;}; if ($qtype eq 'RP'){$RP++;}; if ($qtype eq 'SIG'){$SIG++;}; if ($qtype eq 'KEY'){$KEY++;}; if ($qtype eq 'AAAA'){$AAAA++;}; if ($qtype eq 'A6'){$A6++;}; if ($qtype eq 'IXFR'){$IXFR++;}; if ($qtype eq 'AXFR'){$AXFR++;}; if ($qtype eq 'ANY'){$ANY++;}; } } } open(LOG, "<$logfile") or die "Error opening $logfile: $!"; while () { process_line($_); } print "a.value $A\n"; print "ns.value $NS\n"; print "cname.value $CNAME\n"; print "soa.value $SOA\n"; print "ptr.value $PTR\n"; print "mx.value $MX\n"; print "aaaa.value $AAAA\n"; print "any.value $ANY\n"; print "hinfo.value $HINFO\n"; print "txt.value $TXT\n"; print "rp.value $RP\n"; print "sig.value $SIG\n"; print "key.value $KEY\n"; print "a6.value $A6\n"; print "ixfr.value $IXFR\n"; print "axfr.value $AXFR\n";