# Plugin to monitor SELinux's Access Vector Cache (AVC).
#       config   (required)
#       autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
# Lars Strand, 2007
# Magic markers (used by munin-config and some installation scripts (i.e.
# optional)):
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf


if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
        if [ -r $AVCSTATS ]; then
                echo yes
                exit 0
                echo no
                exit 1

if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then

        echo "graph_title SELinux's Access Vector Cache"
        echo 'graph_args -l 0 --base 1000'
        echo 'graph_vlabel AVC operations'
        echo 'graph_category selinux'

        echo 'lookups.label lookups'
        echo 'lookups.type DERIVE'
        echo 'lookups.min 0'
        echo 'lookups.max 1000000000'
        echo 'lookups.draw AREA'
        echo 'lookups.colour ff0000' # Red
        echo 'lookups.info Number of access vector lookups. This number is a good indicator of the load beeing placed on the AVC.'

        echo 'hits.label hits'
        echo 'hits.type DERIVE'
        echo 'hits.min 0'
        echo 'hits.max 1000000000'
        echo 'hits.draw STACK'
        echo 'hits.colour 0022ff' # Blue
        echo 'hits.info Number of access vector hits.'

        echo 'misses.label misses'
        echo 'misses.type DERIVE'
        echo 'misses.min 0'
        echo 'misses.max 1000000000'
        echo 'misses.draw STACK'
        echo 'misses.colour 990000' # Darker red
        echo 'misses.info Number of cache misses.'

        echo 'allocations.label allocations'
        echo 'allocations.type DERIVE'
        echo 'allocations.min 0'
        echo 'allocations.max 100000000'
        echo 'allocations.draw STACK'
        echo 'allocations.colour ffa500' # Orange
        echo 'allocations.info Number of AVC entries allocated.'

        echo 'reclaims.label reclaims'
        echo 'reclaims.type DERIVE'
        echo 'reclaims.min 0'
        echo 'reclaims.max 1000000000'
        echo 'reclaims.draw STACK'
        echo 'reclaims.colour 00aaaa' # Darker turquoise
        echo 'reclaims.info Number of current total reclaimed AVC entries. If this keeps changing, you may need to increase the cache size (/selinux/avc/cache_threshold).'

        echo 'frees.label frees'
        echo 'frees.type DERIVE'
        echo 'frees.min 0'
        echo 'frees.max 1000000000'
        echo 'frees.draw STACK'
        echo 'frees.colour 00ff7f' # Spring green
        echo 'frees.info Number of free AVC entries.'

        exit 0

if [ -r $AVCSTATS ]; then
    awk ' NR > 1 {
        lookups += $1;
        hits += $2;
        misses += $3;
        allocations += $4;
        reclaims += $5;
        frees += $6;
    } END {
        print "lookups.value " lookups;
        print "hits.value " hits;
        print "misses.value " misses;
        print "allocations.value " allocations;
        print "reclaims.value " reclaims;
        print "frees.value " frees;
    } ' < $AVCSTATS
    echo "lookups.value U"
    echo "hits.value U"
    echo "misses.value U"
    echo "allocations.value U"
    echo "reclaims.value U"
    echo "frees.value U"