path: root/files
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-08-11fix ownership of logrotate files to reflect debian apache user (www-data)Micah Anderson
2010-08-09add the logrotate.Debian fileMicah Anderson
2009-12-22add missing header file for Debian (contacts disabled)Jerome Charaoui
2009-12-22fix some merge problemsMicah Anderson
2009-12-22Merge commit '76352415fec5c2ab6975e3a8843dd4983f7cae6a'Micah Anderson
2009-12-09modify nagios plugin to work with nagios2 and nagios3Jerome Charaoui
2009-10-03add some xen munin pluginsmh
2009-06-04Remove superfluous modules_dir/.ignore and fix READMEDavid Schmitt
2009-06-02merged with immerdaMarcel Haerry
2009-05-30improved enforced munin pluginmh
2009-04-05disabling contacting so farmh
2008-11-01updated users pluginmh
2008-10-01merged with puzzlemh
2008-10-01tried to make munin-node installable and runable on openbsdmh
2008-08-06CentOS don't know yet of tlsduritong
2008-08-06merged with immerda, disabled tlsMarcel Haerry
2008-08-05factored postgres plugins into the postgres moduleMarcel Haerry
2008-07-22finale puzzle mergemh
2008-07-22finale puzzle mergemh
2008-07-22merged with immerdamh
2008-07-22merged with immerdamh
2008-07-21fixed html location for muninMarcel Haerry
2008-07-21correct naming of the placeholderMarcel Haerry
2008-07-21implemented cgi usage for munin graphing for centsoMarcel Haerry
2008-07-21merged with immerdaMarcel Haerry
2008-07-19factored out squid munin plugin, cleaned up some whitespaces in xen pluginmh
2008-07-19factored out squid munin plugin, cleaned up some whitespaces in xen pluginmh
2008-07-17Merge commit 'puzzle/development'mh
2008-07-17Merge commit 'puzzle/development'mh
2008-07-16fixing configMarcel Haerry
2008-07-16for munin a . is a delimeter, so replacing . with _Marcel Haerry
2008-07-16fixed xen_traffic_all pluginMarcel Haerry
2008-07-08merged with davids and removed a case statement, which made no sensemh
2008-07-08merged with davids and removed a case statement, which made no sensemh
2008-07-08nail the modules_dir into the repoDavid Schmitt
2008-06-13Merge commit 'puzzle/development'mh
2008-06-13Merge commit 'puzzle/development'mh
2008-05-19removed unneeded fileMarcel Haerry
2008-04-29merged with upstreamMarcel Haerry
2008-04-25fixed categorymh
2008-04-25fixed categorymh
2008-04-24merged with puzzle upstreammh
2008-04-24merged with puzzle upstreammh
2008-04-22try to add an empty dirMarcel Haerry
2008-04-22added new xen pluginMarcel Haerry
2008-04-22added nagios pluginsMarcel Haerry
2008-04-22merged immerdaMarcel Haerry
2008-04-22empty module $MODULENAMEMarcel Haerry
2008-03-30added default apache modulesmh
2008-03-30added default apache modulesmh