require 'spec_helper' describe 'haproxy::listen' do let(:title) { 'tyler' } let(:facts) {{ :ipaddress => '' }} context "when only one port is provided" do let(:params) do { :name => 'croy', :ports => '18140' } end it { should contain_concat__fragment('croy_listen_block').with( 'order' => '20-croy', 'target' => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'content' => "\nlisten croy\n balance roundrobin\n option tcplog\n option ssl-hello-chk\n" ) } end context "when an array of ports is provided" do let(:params) do { :name => 'apache', :ipaddress => '', :ports => [ '80', '443', ] } end it { should contain_concat__fragment('apache_listen_block').with( 'order' => '20-apache', 'target' => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'content' => "\nlisten apache,\n balance roundrobin\n option tcplog\n option ssl-hello-chk\n" ) } end context "when a comma-separated list of ports is provided" do let(:params) do { :name => 'apache', :ipaddress => '', :ports => '80,443' } end it { should contain_concat__fragment('apache_listen_block').with( 'order' => '20-apache', 'target' => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'content' => "\nlisten apache,\n balance roundrobin\n option tcplog\n option ssl-hello-chk\n" ) } end end