require 'spec_helper' describe 'haproxy', :type => :class do let(:default_facts) do { :concat_basedir => '/dne', :ipaddress => '' } end context 'on supported platforms' do describe 'for OS-agnostic configuration' do ['Debian', 'RedHat'].each do |osfamily| context "on #{osfamily} family operatingsystems" do let(:facts) do { :osfamily => osfamily }.merge default_facts end let(:params) do {'enable' => true} end it { should include_class('concat::setup') } it 'should install the haproxy package' do subject.should contain_package('haproxy').with( 'ensure' => 'present' ) end it 'should install the haproxy service' do subject.should contain_service('haproxy').with( 'ensure' => 'running', 'enable' => 'true', 'hasrestart' => 'true', 'hasstatus' => 'true', 'require' => [ 'Concat[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg]', 'File[/var/lib/haproxy]' ] ) end it 'should set up /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg as a concat resource' do subject.should contain_concat('/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg').with( 'owner' => '0', 'group' => '0', 'mode' => '0644' ) end it 'should manage the chroot directory' do subject.should contain_file('/var/lib/haproxy').with( 'ensure' => 'directory' ) end it 'should contain a header concat fragment' do subject.should contain_concat__fragment('00-header').with( 'target' => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'order' => '01', 'content' => "# This file managed by Puppet\n" ) end it 'should contain a haproxy-base concat fragment' do subject.should contain_concat__fragment('haproxy-base').with( 'target' => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'order' => '10' ) end describe 'Base concat fragment contents' do let(:contents) { param_value(subject, 'concat::fragment', 'haproxy-base', 'content').split("\n") } it 'should contain global and defaults sections' do contents.should include('global') contents.should include('defaults') end it 'should log to an ip address for local0' do contents.should be_any { |match| match =~ / log \d+(\.\d+){3} local0/ } end it 'should specify the default chroot' do contents.should include(' chroot /var/lib/haproxy') end it 'should specify the correct user' do contents.should include(' user haproxy') end it 'should specify the correct group' do contents.should include(' group haproxy') end it 'should specify the correct pidfile' do contents.should include(' pidfile /var/run/') end end end context "on #{osfamily} family operatingsystems without managing the service" do let(:facts) do { :osfamily => osfamily }.merge default_facts end let(:params) do { 'enable' => true, 'manage_service' => false, } end it { should include_class('concat::setup') } it 'should install the haproxy package' do subject.should contain_package('haproxy').with( 'ensure' => 'present' ) end it 'should install the haproxy service' do subject.should_not contain_service('haproxy') end end end end describe 'for OS-specific configuration' do context 'only on Debian family operatingsystems' do let(:facts) do { :osfamily => 'Debian' }.merge default_facts end it 'should manage haproxy service defaults' do subject.should contain_file('/etc/default/haproxy').with( 'before' => 'Service[haproxy]', 'require' => 'Package[haproxy]' ) verify_contents(subject, '/etc/default/haproxy', ['ENABLED=1']) end end context 'only on RedHat family operatingsystems' do let(:facts) do { :osfamily => 'RedHat' }.merge default_facts end end end end context 'on unsupported operatingsystems' do let(:facts) do { :osfamily => 'RainbowUnicorn' }.merge default_facts end it do expect { should contain_service('haproxy') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /operating system is not supported with the haproxy module/) end end end