# == Class gitlab_ci_multi_runner::runner # # Class for creating runners in multi-runner's config file. # # [*url*] # CI URL # Defaults to http://gitlab.example.com # [*token*] # runner token # Defaults to 'XXXX' # # [*limit*] # limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this token. # 0 simply means don't limit # Defaults to undef # # [*shell*] # the name of shell to generate the script # (default value is platform dependent) (bash, cmd, powershell) # Defaults to undef # # [*executor*] # select how a project should be built # (shell, docker, docker-ssh, ssh, parallels) # Defaults to shell # # [*builds_dir*] # directory where builds will be stored in context of selected executor # (Locally, Docker, SSH) # Defaults to undef # # [*environment*] # append or overwrite environment variables # Defaults to undef # # [*disable_verbose*] # don't print run commands # Defaults to undef # # [*output_limit*] # set maximum build log size in kilobytes, by default set to 4096 (4MB) # Defaults to undef # # [*docker_params*] # Docker params (image, allowed_images, allowed_services, volumes, ...). # Need executor_docker to true. # Defaults to undef # # [*config_file*] - Path for Gitlab Multi Runner config file # Default value in params. # define gitlab_ci_multi_runner::runner ( $url = 'http://gitlab.example.com', $token = 'XXXX', $limit = undef, $shell = undef, $executor = 'shell', $builds_dir = undef, $environment = undef, $disable_verbose = undef, $output_limit = undef, $docker_params = undef, $parallels_params = undef, $config_file = $gitlab_ci_multi_runner::params::config_file, $tls_skip_verify = undef, $tls_ca_file = undef, ){ concat::fragment { "${name}_${gitlab_ci_multi_runner::config_file}": target => $gitlab_ci_multi_runner::config_file, content => template('gitlab_ci_multi_runner/fragment_runner_config.toml.erb'), } }