This module has grown over time based on a range of contributions from people using it. If you follow these contributing guidelines your patch will likely make it into a release a little quicker. ## Contributing 1. Fork the repo. 2. Run the tests. We only take pull requests with passing tests, and it's great to know that you have a clean slate 3. Add a test for your change. Only refactoring and documentation changes require no new tests. If you are adding functionality or fixing a bug, please add a test. 4. Make the test pass. 5. Push to your fork and submit a pull request. ## Dependencies The testing and development tools have a bunch of dependencies, all managed by [bundler]( according to the [Puppet support matrix]( By default the tests use a baseline version of Puppet. If you have Ruby 2.x or want a specific version of Puppet, you must set an environment variable such as: export PUPPET_VERSION="~> 3.2.0" Install the dependencies like so... bundle install ## Syntax and style The test suite will run [Puppet Lint]( and [Puppet Syntax]( to check various syntax and style things. You can run these locally with: bundle exec rake lint bundle exec rake syntax ## Running the unit tests The unit test suite covers most of the code, as mentioned above please add tests if you're adding new functionality. If you've not used [rspec-puppet]( before then feel free to ask about how best to test your new feature. Running the test suite is done with: bundle exec rake spec Note also you can run the syntax, style and unit tests in one go with: bundle exec rake test ## Integration tests The unit tests just check the code runs, not that it does exactly what we want on a real machine. For that we're using [beaker]( This fires up a new virtual machine (using vagrant) and runs a series of simple tests against it after applying the module. You can run this with: bundle exec rake acceptance This will run the tests on an Ubuntu 12.04 virtual machine. You can also run the integration tests against Centos 6.5 with. RS_SET=centos-64-x64 bundle exec rake acceptances If you don't want to have to recreate the virtual machine every time you can use `BEAKER_DESTROY=no` and `BEAKER_PROVISION=no`. On the first run you will at least need `BEAKER_PROVISION` set to yes (the default). The Vagrantfile for the created virtual machines will be in `.vagrant/beaker_vagrant_fies`.