# domain: the domain under which this repo will be avaiable # projectroot: where the git repos are listened # projects_list: which repos to export define git::web::repo( $projectroot, $projects_list, $sitename='absent', ){ include git::web $gitweb_url = $name case $gitweb_sitename { 'absent': { $gitweb_sitename = "${name} git repository" } default: { $gitweb_sitename = $sitename } } file{"/etc/gitweb.d/${name}.conf": content => template("git/web/config") } case $gitweb_webserver { 'lighttpd': { git::web::repo::lighttpd{$name: gitweb_url => $gitweb_url, projectroot => $projectroot, project_list => $projects_list, } } default: { fail("no supported \$gitweb_webserver defined on ${fqdn}, so can't do git::web::repo: ${name}") } } } define git::web::repo::lighttpd( $gitweb_url, $projectroot, $projects_list ){ include git::web::lighttpd file{"/etc/lighttpd/gitweb.d/${name}.conf": content => template("git/web/lighttpd"), notify => Service['lighttpd'], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } line{"add_include_of_gitwebrepo_${name}": line => "Include /etc/lighttpd/gitweb.d/${name}.conf", file => "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-gitweb.conf", require => File['/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-gitweb.conf'], notify => Service['lighttpd'], } }